Viki Headshot

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Done this a while ago with Viki, on a 2 week break and im bored so going thro a few pic's.

A bit over retouched for my personal taste but a very nice shot.
Your key light has worked really well, but my guess is that you should have had a gentle fill light, rather than a second light to camera right, which I feel has broadened the face. Also, the lighting on the background was a bit too much, and has degraded the fine detail in the hair.

I think that she has the shape of face and high cheekbones that simply cries out for a single light, dead central and high.
I find it to be a rather striking image or a very striking face. I like it very much.

...but my guess is that you should have had a gentle fill light, rather than a second light to camera right, which I feel has broadened the face.

And as a bonus, such comments by someone else help add to my own education and appreciation.
The retouch is close to cartoonish but she is stunning.