Want to buy first real MF...any help?

Obi John Mikel
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:thinking:Hi All,

Having had a holga CFN for a while now (and spent a fortune on about 2-3 decent shots!) i'd love to buy a 'proper' MF camera. I've been skulking around on ebay as I am a student and as such looking for something cheap and dirty so to speak...

at the moment it looks like the Mamiya M645 is in my price range..although I have days left on the auction. There is also a Bronica ETRS and Bronica SQ-A. I know next to nothing about these but was wondering if anyone had any advice on which to go for - the Bronic SQA comes with 3 lenses (50, 80, 150mm) and is going for around £80 (will go up) but the Mamiya is very cheap at present but comes with one 80mm lens. The ETRS comes with 75mm lens..

Also, is a TLR much better than a SLR MF? I know there is the whole issues of parralex error etc..

anyway, just buying it for my own pleasure so any input always appreciated!

You'll get good results with a twin lens reflex, but I'd have to say go for an SLR if you can. All the cameras you've mentioned are excellent. The only thing I'd say is go for one which takes magazine (film) backs as this gives you the ability to change films mid roll, which is a big advantage, and you can add backs and other bits as and when you have the wonga.

Usually with MF anything around 70 -90mm is considered a standard lens ( the equivalent of a 50mm lens on a 35mm camera) and is OK for portraiture, although longer is better. 50mm would be pretty wide and ideal for landscapes.

Let us know what you get. (y)
Thanks CT - I have a feeling the auctions will shoot up in price over the next few days but will have to wait and see...look forward to seeing what I end up with!
Don't be surprised if you find a few light leaks in your camera when you get it. The oriiginal seals in these cameras degenerate to a horrible gooey mess over time and they needed replacing every few years with regular use anyway. There's a guy called John Goodman trading as 'Interslice' on ebay who will ship you a seal kit from Texas for under 7 quid, with full instructions for your particular camera on how to reseal it. Unlike the original seals, his last for many years too. Probably something you should do anyway before you use the camera for any important shots.
The 645 and the ETRS are 6x4.5 format, the SQA is 6x6 format! It will probably shoot up though, I've been looking for one for a while and it is rare to see any go for under £150!
There's definitely a resurgence of interest in these cameras, but you have to be careful on ebay, there seems no rhyme or reason with prices sometimes - rough gear you'd expect to go cheap makes big money, and tidy gear goes for less than you'd expect.
I'd get a SQ-A as they are really nice cameras. Easy to use and if you want to shoot 6x4.5 then you can get a 6x4.5 back and still shoot 6x6. Just an idea. SQ-A's look a lot nicer as well than 645's
If you are localish to Croydon go and have a look at MR CAD, OMG what a place, popped in last week as I was passing for work, thank god I didn't have my credit card It would have melted
Thank god I'm nowhere near Croyden. :D
Thank god I'm nowhere near Croyden. :D

It is worth the trip. It is a warehouse with all sorts of equipment stacked high, I have never seen so many MF cameras in one place in my life, I think I counted about 20 hassleblads in one cabinet and another was full of Bronica and another full of Mamiya. And if you want half plate or full plate, not a problem, you name it they have it.(y)
Looks as if the SQA is shooting up in price but the m64 and ETRS are still pretty cheap. Is there a major difference between these two?

Also, can you not change these two to shoot 6x6 (like on a cheap holga..)? My MF knowledge is very patchy, but I just can't resist getting one of these beauties...

Thanks for the input.
Nope, 645 cameras can't shoot 6x6, you can buy a mask for some 6x6 cameras to shoot 645.....god only knows why anyone would want to, but they are available.
There are many versions of Mamiya and Bronica 645 cameras, compare comparative models and there's not much difference....:bonk:....does that sound right ?

anyway...square :love: