Watermarking and software?

Edit My Images
Out of interest, what software do you guys use to simply watermark a group of pictures? I mean, is there a feature in Photoshop that allows you to tag a whole bunch at the same time?
Out of interest, what software do you guys use to simply watermark a group of pictures? I mean, is there a feature in Photoshop that allows you to tag a whole bunch at the same time?

Yep. It's based around a facility called actions or action script. It's quite complicated to explain the whole lot but a google search on 'how to make a photoshop action' will do the trick.

Basically you make your watermark,(as described in this thread), but you record the steps when your adding it to an image and thus save it as an action.

Also creating what's called a droplet is highly beneficial, a droplet is basically a folder than you can drag the images that you want to watermark into and it runs the action on all of them.

Alternatively if you use Lightroom, you can download a plug in called Mogrify, install this and upon batch export you can add a watermark at that stage.

Any software that you have to pay for to add watermarks, is a rip off and a con IMO, if you have Lightroom or photoshop it's all available as part of the package.
Alternatively if you use Lightroom, you can download a plug in called Mogrify, install this and upon batch export you can add a watermark at that stage.

Mogrify has recently become crippleware if you don't donate. Batch processing is limited to 10 or less images at a time. Still a very good product but not needed in lightroom unless you want something better than a very basic and small watermark to the edge of the image.
Mogrify has recently become crippleware if you don't donate. Batch processing is limited to 10 or less images at a time. Still a very good product but not needed in lightroom unless you want something better than a very basic and small watermark to the edge of the image.

That's true Hep, I completely forgot about the being limited to ten on yer batch exports and the fact that straight forward watermarks are possible without mogrify in Lightroom too.

I have my own jobbie and rarely export watermarked images in multiples over 10, that's my excuse :bonk: If I do need over 10, then an action and droplet is what I reach for. (y)
I use faststone. It's simple to use and it's free.
I do it a different way, embeding a path in the action, it works on any size start image and portrait or landscape. Wayne
Sounds interesting Wayne, I'd love to hear some more on the how's if you don't mind mate?

file/automate/fit image 600 x 600 (or whatever size you want for web)
Image size untick all boxes and enter 100 dpi (or whatever you want)
Stop action, type in your text and select it (or use path if you have one)
open paths palette and create path from selection, free transform path to top left corner and size it (important)
delete text layer
restart recording action now in actions drop down menu insert path
make new layer
on paths palette make selection from path, hit D to reset default colours, now fill selection with black on new layer (don't do the D bit but choose a colour if you want something other than black or clear) then deselect
go to paths palette and delete path (you don't need it again)
back to layers palette select all then in layers, align layer to center (or where ever you want it) this places the logo in the right place for landscape and portrait format
now if you just want black or the chosen colour you can ajust opacity to suit and flatten, otherwise take the layer fill down to nothing (not opacity) and in layer styles apply a bevel emboss, or drop shadow, outer glow, what ever takes your fancy, then flatten.

I think thats it (but it's from memory, and I'm knackered) hopefully I haven't left a step out, the beauty of using a path is when you size it it keeps it's quality, you could make one first in Illustrater if you have it. Wayne
file/automate/fit image 600 x 600 (or whatever size you want for web)
Image size untick all boxes and enter 100 dpi (or whatever you want)
Stop action, type in your text and select it (or use path if you have one)
open paths palette and create path from selection, free transform path to top left corner and size it (important)
delete text layer
restart recording action now in actions drop down menu insert path
make new layer
on paths palette make selection from path, hit D to reset default colours, now fill selection with black on new layer (don't do the D bit but choose a colour if you want something other than black or clear) then deselect
go to paths palette and delete path (you don't need it again)
back to layers palette select all then in layers, align layer to center (or where ever you want it) this places the logo in the right place for landscape and portrait format
now if you just want black or the chosen colour you can ajust opacity to suit and flatten, otherwise take the layer fill down to nothing (not opacity) and in layer styles apply a bevel emboss, or drop shadow, outer glow, what ever takes your fancy, then flatten.

I think thats it (but it's from memory, and I'm knackered) hopefully I haven't left a step out, the beauty of using a path is when you size it it keeps it's quality, you could make one first in Illustrater if you have it. Wayne

Very clever that one mate. cheers for the walkthrough (y)
Take a look at the Talk Photography/Cowasaki script HERE.

It may well do what you want ie embed a graphic, border etc etc