Wazza, posting his first pic.

Edit My Images
I was in Kenya this christmas and took many photographs, this one is my favourite;

Nice shot!! Hope you don't mind but i couldn't help thinking that something could be done with the image a little just to make it a little crisper, this go took me about 30secs, it's far from perfect but gives some idea of how this could look after a little work.

Nice picture there. :)
The quality of light in Africa is amazing. That little tweak brings it out much better.
How did you do that then lolyton?
It does look much better now.

Could it have lost it when I reduced it in size to post it on Photobucket.?
I use Microsoft Photo editor to reduce the size. I have also got Serif Photo and paint shop Pro6
I used Adobe Photoshop, i am unsure about the workings of the software you have listed. However in Photoshop i just brightened the highlights a little, darkened the shadows slightly (made it a little more contrasty), added a small amount of saturation, and took out small amounts of red and yellow just to clear through the dirty colour that seems to give it that haze...oh, and i sharpened it just a wee fraction.

Most image programmes will have ways you can do this, but i can only really explain for photoshop. But i'm sure there must be someone in these forums that can translate what i did into a programme you have.

It's unlikely it would have lost it when you reduced the size of the image, but reducing sizes often does effect image quality but rarely colours. It may be something to do with the way your programmes talk to one another ie which colour calibration they all use (this is a very confusing area and one i don't really get). Sometimes after you have worked on or processed images and they look good, then you look at them on a web browser they will look different much the same way as when you try to print something and it comes out completely different to how it looks on screen. If you have used a few different programmes this could be the likely reason to why the colour may have changed.

Pointless waffle and not making sense is something i could write a book about....Sorry!
A self portrait Wazza?

Of the three progs you have mentioned I think psp6 is your best one but if you bought the 300D you should also have Elements2 which is better than all those others.

cool piccy...nice there in africa was it?
Kenya was really fantastic. Thank you all for your nice comments on the pics.
This is a great picture as the others have already said, however if you want to make it into an excellent picture it would need to be a little sharper and you should have used a touch of fill in flash when it was shot to gain a catch light in the giraffe’s eye. The aim of wildlife photography is to show how alive the subject is and preferable depict it in its natural environment (even if we cheat sometimes and photograph them at the zoo). As I have said this picture is great composition wise and is a very pleasing picture but it could still be improved on.

Hope that helps a little?
Steve I dont have a flash gun yet, I rely on the little inbuilt jobby and thats not really man enough. But thanks for your comments they are most welcome. How do you make it sharper.
It depends on why I am sharpening it, I usually use the quick method of Unsharp Mask if I am displaying for web or showing you guys any of my work but if I am working on a picture for professional printing I use the lightness chanel method as discribed here

Hope that helps :)