Wedding Portrait

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Any comments welcome !!!!
That's a nice shot, the only thing I'd do would be to try and defocus the light and the the painting behind, just a wee bit.
a lovely portrait, looks a pretty location too. Maybe a bit too bright but I'm sort of worn out in the wedding portrait department, been editing some from Saturday and my eyes don't know what they like anymore!
A nice enough shot but feels a little over-exposed, to me. Maybe its my monitor. I'm nursing a fairly nasty leg injury just now and can't get up two flights of stairs to where my PC is, so using a laptop.
That's a nice shot, the only thing I'd do would be to try and defocus the light and the the painting behind, just a wee bit.

I agree!

My eye goes to the painting and the light and not to the beautiful bride!
Ok this is going to sound a little strange, but it looks 2D. The guy doesn't appear to have any depth to him.
I like the idea of the mono brings the focus onto the couple more...doesn't look quite finished though ;)
The blurred mono background really works on that shot. I think the bride is still a bit too white though, could do with a lift in the flesh tones. Also agree with Petemc, the guy looks a bit like a cardboard cut out. Maybe its a reaction to getting married ;)
Nice formal pose. The shot does look too light and parts of the bride's dress are just starting to blow out. I gave it a slight S curve in the histogram to bring the highlights down a tad and brought the levels down a bit. The shot looks a bit cold so I've tried to warm it a little.


I'd definitely check out your monitor calibration before you get this printed. It's a nice shot and worth spending some processing time on the original. The lamp doesn't bug me that much. :)
I like the idea of the mono brings the focus onto the couple more...doesn't look quite finished though ;)

I spent 30 seconds on it. just to try an idea of mono/blur background.
going away for the weekend so am really busy and no time to do anything