Western clubtail. (Gomphus pulchellus)

Thanks guys.

Mike, I'm sorry to say the weather here is cold and wet too! Probably not as cold as where you are but for here and this time of year it's dreadful!!
I think we have had only four or five sunny days so far in May and it went down to 2° C two nights ago...... I'm a right southern softy (wus) so suffering terribly I'm afraid :(

Great shot Tara, but you've got the ID wrong I'm afraid. It's actually a Western Clubtail (Gomphus pulchellus). And it's a she.
Great shot Tara, but you've got the ID wrong I'm afraid. It's actually a Western Clubtail (Gomphus pulchellus). And it's a she.

Excellent! I'll have to look her up and see if the last common clubtail I shot was similarly mislabeled :D

