What do you call a gathering of Herons?


Misery Guts Monica
I'm not a Misery Guts and Monica is not my Moniker
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Amazing sight on the River Lune at Skirton Weir, a gathering of Herons!
7 in the pcture, 2 more on the other side of the little island, 4 more wheeling around on the other side of the river! Never seen so many at one time. Is there an official (or otherwise) collective name for a flock? of Herons?
Unfortunately, couldn't get any closer because of trees, and taken with a 55mm-250mm IS at full zoom!
A sedge of herons?

Rings a bell for some reason. :thinking:

Must have been lovely to see - great picture. I've only ever seen 3 together :)
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A quick google says its a "scattering"
no more barmy than 2a murder of crows."

I always thought they were fairly solitary birds (other than for those times!) - shows what I know.....
A sedge of herons?

Rings a bell for some reason. :thinking:

Must have been lovely to see - great picture. I've only ever seen 3 together :)

Thanks Sarah. Not heard the sedge bit though! We had been seeing single Herons flying down river from up at the Crook 'o' Lune, and took a few shots of them (another thread coming up) This must have been where they were all heading! A first for me without a doubt!
I would call it "bloody lucky" :LOL:

Yep! so did I at the time! Tell you what though, I will swop my Herons for your Kites!! (y)
We have a few Herons on the river nearby (River Don).
I believe that they are like Rooks in that they nest in groups called a Heronry but I have never seen or heard of anywhere nearby where they breed.
One of lifes little mysteries.
Flock knows :shrug:
Googled it and found 4 different variations sedge, hedge , siege and scattering.
Googled it and found 4 different variations sedge, hedge , siege and scattering.

Thanks guys!

I think the 'siege' fits in this case! They certainly turned up in numbers!!