What do you think?

there ya go


Photo from chrispix flickr as above

i like it, well lit, very simple and clean
Hey Chris...

It's well lit and nice and sharp however I think it would have been better against a white background. The black is a little too dominating imo.
Nice capture. It's well lit, sharp subject looks relaxed and I like the black background as it makes a chnage from the usual white. Only negative to the black background is you seem to lose part of the top of his head (y)
Thanks for all the feedback. I very much appreciate it. I actually used the black backdrop as opposed to white because i'd just been shooting two white English Bull Terriers and thought they'd work better against the black and was then asked to do a quick portrait of Josh (the young man in the picture). He literally jumped into frame, I made a few minor adjustments to the lighting and shot it. I agree that it may have been better on white. It wasn't originally shot in that crop. I cropped it close then extended the background out to the side in PS CS2.