What flash do I go for?

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Right well I think now its time to invest in a flash as the built in flash on my 40D isn't up to much.

Any suggestions, bearing in mind that I am relatively new to photography so not the fountain of knowledge and wisdom just yet, and I haven't got a bottomless pit for purchases either..... That privilege belongs to the wife when it comes to buying stuff for the baby!!

What's your budget then?

A 430ex is good, great flash, have one myself and it's about £170 brand new.
The 430EX is a great flash for the money but also look at the sigma 500 range, decent flash at a budget price.
I think I'd be tempted to stick to Canon if it's a first flash, then you will have 100% compatibility

I think I have to agree when it comes to compatibility. My last body which was a 400D had a non OEM battery grip and a sigma lens on it and I had nothing but bother with the ERR99. So I think I am best sticking with canon.

Budget is tight at the moment as I have just got married in Cyprus and now have the party back here to pay for so trying to keep it as tight as possible.

Anyone recommend going second hand? or are there any pitfalls when it comes to a flash??
I stick with Canon all the way, all my lenses and extras are all Canon
du no (du no is blanked out :O )why i do it just like it :D

i went for the 580 BTW gooooood flash
Watch out if your tempted by one of the older Canon flashes - modern flashes for dslrs work on 6 volts or less, a lot of older ones put out 2-300 and can fry your shiny new camera in an instant :crying:

Didnt know that so thanks. If I go for second hand then I suppose it would be a 430 or 580 but what I am trying to figure out is, is it really worth it?
Will the amount saved by going second be worth the effort just in case something goes belly up or shall I just bite the bullet and go for new??
580 gets my vote too - it is worth the financial stretch over the 430...

Don't know if Mk II is really worth it over Mk I maybe someone else can tell us, I have 2 of the original 580s and love them!
I hope you have decided to buy a new flash in order to give you more creative options, including bouncing the flash and using it off camera, and not simply to produce a brighter direct light for blinding your victims. Taking that as a given, make sure the flash you choose has a tilt and swivel head, if you plan on using it mounted on the camera. This will allow you to bounce the flash off ceiling and walls, to create nice soft light with soft shadows.

If you want the flash to do all the work, in terms of flash exposure then you will need one that can work in ETTL mode with the Canon cameras. Obviously Canon's latest flash guns will work in that mode, as will Metz's latest Canon compatible guns as well. I'm not sure about Sigma flashes and other brands. If you're happy to control flash power manually then pretty much anything that triggers at a low voltage should be fine.

The Canon 430EX and 580EX II are very good flash guns - I have a 580EX I and a 580EX II. The 580EX is indeed expensive but offers three key benefits over the 430EX....

1. It is almost a full stop more powerful. That means it can reach 1.4X further than the 430EX, all other things being equal. It also means that you can add a diffusion panel or bounce the light and (hopefully) still have power to spare when the 430EX might be at full stretch.

2. It can act as a "master" flash and can send signals to other 580EX and also 430EX units to control them all in a multi-flash setup. If you only have a one flash setup then that feature will be as much use as a chocolate teapot, but if you plan on adding to your collection then at some point a 580EX II makes sense. Of course, you could start off with a 430EX, if it is powerful enough, and make a 580EX your second purchase, when you find you have the need to control a second flash.

3. It can be swiveled +/- 180 degrees, so can cover any corner of the room for bouncing. The 430EX only goes +180/-90 degrees, so can't bounce into the corner over one of your shoulders. For more info on bouncing and the importance of tilt/swivel, have a look here....


The 580EX II does have a strobe function, to flash multiple times during one exposure. I'm not sure whether the 430X has that feature or not, but I see that as being a niche feature and not one I'll be likely to use.

If you want an easy life and are on a budget then a 430EX makes sense, although I did read that a 430EX II is about to be released, so that might be worth waiting for. If you've got the money then the 580EX II is the natural choice, as it is the daddy of the Canon flash lineup. Metz and other brands may offer better value but I'm afraid you'll have to do your own research on those as I have no personal experience.
Go the extra £50 and get a 580 EX II, they are BRILL! You could even get cash back, shop around for a deal.
Didnt know that so thanks. If I go for second hand then I suppose it would be a 430 or 580 but what I am trying to figure out is, is it really worth it?
Will the amount saved by going second be worth the effort just in case something goes belly up or shall I just bite the bullet and go for new??

I'm (mainly) a Nikon shooter, so I'm not up on Canon flashes, but with Nikon the top of the range SB-800 was twice the price of the SB-600 model, so I bought 2 x SB-600 instead as I felt it would give me more creative opportunities
Thanks for the info guys... Just pricing up a few now to see how many pennies I need to siphon off on the quiet from her indoors!!:D