What image setting do you use?

Richard Black
Edit My Images
More Vivid?

DO you ever adjust this? or just keep it on normal?
I use normal & if I want a different set I change it in capture NX.
You know i thought about this-it has been said many times when shooting in raw the in camera sharpening will not take effect. So why would any enhancements in colour saturation either-especially on nikon as these are incorporated in the same setting.

Maybe its different on canon
I just turn everything off and deal with it when converting and in PS

Thats cleared it for me, i've never changed that setting.
But you know how it is, a saturday night sat in front of the tv, playing with he camera settings, spot something and wonder.. what if?
I use RAW now for anything important.
I quite like slightly under-saturated for jpgs, but tats about it for me. If I'm doing something intentionally abstract I'll try vivid and BW for some portraits, with portrait mode for other portraits. Usually the best shots aren't considered though and they'll just be in normal mode. Sometimes I'll use raw files too but they take too long and I'm too lazy to process hundreds of shots...
That's the thing though theory, you don't process hundreds of shots, you only process the keepers.

The most I'll shoot in one go will be in a studio session and I may have in the region of 250-300 shots. Out of those I may keep 50 and out of those I may properly process 15-20.

The latitude you get from shooting in RAW is well worth it IMHO.

As for the settings on my camera? I will occasionally have a look at something in B&W but still shoot it in colour because I don't want to throw away all that lovely information.
You know i thought about this-it has been said many times when shooting in raw the in camera sharpening will not take effect. So why would any enhancements in colour saturation either-especially on nikon as these are incorporated in the same setting.

Maybe its different on canon

The camera sharpening setting, and all other settings, does take effect if you process with Capture NX.
It doesnt make any difference what settings like that you use in camera if you are using RAW........they only affect jpg.
It doesnt make any difference what settings like that you use in camera if you are using RAW........they only affect jpg.

Yup :) Shoot in RAW all the time, haven't changed a thing on the camera:)
Cheers AliB - duly noted ;)

Can you guys tell me if settings apply to tiff, or really only jpg?
RAW all the way now :)
everything turned right down in the camera, saturation, contrast, sharpening and set to colour mode 1 (nikon)

Photoshop wont pick up these settings and just displays the image using it's raw converters default settings.

I use capture NX however and that does load the RAW file with the camera settings applied.

I'm then free to add saturation/contrast as I see fit and locally in the image if needs be.

But I'm prepared to work at the pace of a snail surfing through cold molasses on a sinclair c5!