What Should I do??????

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I am a owner of a MacBook Pro which i have used alot and love it. I was going to get a new Monitor for it. But instead I went and got a iMac it is a great machine and i do like it but i seem to want to use my MacBook Pro more. Should I keep this iMac and get use to have 2 machine or take it back and get a Monitor to go with my Macbook Pro?

no tips?
If you find you're using a laptop more a laptop is probably more suitable, so get the extra screen for when you need it...
First question why do you want to use you Macbook more. Does it have functionality the IMac doesn't?

If the Macbook is the better machine I'd go for the monitor option, also cheaper, provided you can get your money back on the IMac.
With the sharing capabilities built into OS X you could use the iMac as your main storage machine, and use the MBP to access your images/music/files via the Finder. I do this with my machines (G5 and MBP), as sometimes I do need the larger screen of the G5, whereas the MBP is much quicker when doing processor-intensive stuff (Aperture/CS3).
Unfortunately you don't give any details as to which macBookPro you have, what size monitor you were looking for or what spec iMac you bought.

As has already been asked what do you find lacking on the iMac compared to the MBP. The iMac has a larger screen than the MBP but were you looking to go larger with the monitor. What screen finish have you on the iMac and MBP screens gloss or matte?

Something also to consider is that apart from having the ability to have the hard drive on the iMac function as additional storage space, with iMac you have a backup Mac should you have an issue with the MBP - and vice versa.
