What to call this thread other than "hello"?

Edit My Images
Thought i should drop in and say hi...

I'd put myself in the category of "vaguely keen amateur" - i do like pictures, and try to take a lot when i'm out and about, but probably only really get around to it a couple of times a month.

I use a Canon 500D with (so far) all the cheap lenses - the 18-55, 55-250 and the 50mm f/1.8 - but just ordered myself the 15-85mm as a bit of an upgrade / Christmas present to myself, so hopefully improve quality of my pictures. I also have a Panasonic FT1 which is a great addition as it's waterproof so can go everywhere when my 500D just wouldn't cope.

Mostly do "landscapes" in the broadest sense of the word, ie anything nature really. Like animals but never seem to see any, but i've also played around with some extreme macro (using reversed lenses), and do loads of panoramic stuff - and consider myself a bit of an expert now in the art of merging large numbers of photos in various different ways.

All my processing is on an iMac in Aperture 3, using Hugin for panoramics and EnfuseGUI for some limited HDR stuff. In the process of sorting out my library, but once that's done i'll stick a link up to my best pictures.

Otherwise, i live in Fareham, Hampshire - but from Durham originally - and alongside photography do a lot of walking / hiking, cycling, skiing, climbing, windsurfing, and whatever else takes my fancy.

Don't plan on asking too many silly questions, though plan to start off with a tricky one now... just as soon as i find the right forum!


I think you should have called it 'Hi' :) but you didn't so - Hello :)

Thanks - i'll try hi next time ;)

My new toy (Canon 15-85mm lens) just arrived this morning - very impressed with Park Cameras and City Link - very cheap (just £500), and City Link are out delivering today to catch up on those parcels they couldn't collect earlier in the week due to the snow :D

Sadly i'm too cold (or just lazy?) to go out and find anything to take a picture of today :crying:

My new toy :)

I'd be interested to hear how you get on with this as I was looking to get it the other side of the new year and have the same body. And welcome!