When to stop in photoshop

Craig Thomas
Edit My Images
Hi All,

Just tested my new 17-55 out in the back garden, in completely rubbish light and not the sharpest one, and took this image of my daughter, and decided to have a really go at trying to change the feel of it ito a far more moody one. what do you think yes or no?
it was brought into lightroom slight level adjustment, then into photoshop and played with the curves alot! is it over cooked ?

thanks for looking comments welcomed

the original


The second one is a vast improvement, might benefit from a slight bit of desaturation of that yellow though as it's a bit distracting
I think this is a perfect example of why pp skills are just as important as photography skills. You've inspired me to try and look at some of the shot of my daughter!
What everyone else said...So much better !! IMO the original was a "nice" snap, the WB is a bit out as well. PP it's a different picture altogether ! Really suits her expression as well.

Seriously re-considering not emptying the deleted items folder now..........
Well, you've turned an "ordinary" snap into something much more interesting.

But I don't think the result is terribly flattering. I appreciate you wanted something "moody", but I think you've succeeded in making your daughter look like a druggie.

(And yes, I think it is over-cooked. The fact that one wall is green and one is brown is a bit of a giveaway that the colour balance is all wrong.)
And how the hell do you get the image to that I have tried to do images like that without success.. I have loads of images I like to be able to adjust to like what you have done
You know what....

....I really like the PP.

Nice One !!
Very clever, and a great 'improvement' to the shot. As said, I'm not sure it's the best PP for your daughter... but as a picture it is so much stronger and gives more power to her expression.
I know it's not really the greatest look for my daughter but her 7- going on 17 experession lent it self towards it it, i have to say it wasn't hugely complicated mostly selections an curve adjustments
It's interesting - the way you've done the curves gives it an almost cross-processed look which actually works quite well. Have you tried to convert the shot to monochrome? I think it would lend itself quite well to B&W treatment.


I think the question you have to ask concerning the two colour images is which one represents the true colour of your daughters hair. In that respect the B&W image is definately the better image.