Where is it ? (Dartmoor)

Steve, Coventry, England
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Somewhere fairly near Widecombe in the Moor, I think, as I am fairly certain I can get back there from the A38. but for the life of me I can't find it on the map.
Been bugging me for a couple of weeks :)


Thanks, yes it was, my scribbles were wrong, we went to Ashburton first that day to buy food :)
(it was in 2003, only had a Canon A10 then)

Very grateful

(Just discovered it comes up right away with an image search, should have tried that first :) )
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That's where I sliced my foot open as a kid - put me in a wheelchair for a month! An old fashioned can opener leaves a nasty, jagged edge...

Always known it as Huccaby rather than Hexworthy but either is valid.
Always known it as Huccaby rather than Hexworthy but either is valid.

If you corrupt Hexworthy the Devon way and mangle it a bit more you can sort of turn it into Huccaby. Perhaps that's where Huccaby came from
In all my years on Dartmoor I've never been to or over Hexworthy Bridge. Close, but never there
Huccaby House is close to the bridge so I suppose that's why we always called the "beach" and bridge Huccaby rather than Hexworthy.
If you corrupt Hexworthy the Devon way and mangle it a bit more you can sort of turn it into Huccaby. Perhaps that's where Huccaby came from
In all my years on Dartmoor I've never been to or over Hexworthy Bridge. Close, but never there
I cross it every time I go to Venford or Combstone Tor, I once stpooed in the parking area beside it to look for a shot but I didn't get anything I wanted to keep.

Just up the hill from it is Jolly Lane Cottage.

018 Jolly Lane Cottage 01-0477 PS Adj.JPG

And of course the Forest Inn.

030 Forest Inn Hexworthy 01-7799 PS Adj.JPG
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A family favourite place to visit when I grew up in Plymouth. To the area right of the area covered by this photo there is a good place for paddling and further right, rocks to clamber over. I now go there with my family and dog when we visit that area.

The road east leads to Combestone Tor and Venford reservoir. Two other favourites.
My route in to that area is up by Holne as I come down the A303/ A30/ M5/ A38. I've walked from the south end of Hexworthy ( bottom of Down Ridge) towards Combestone loads of times. Bit of a slog up from Saddle Bridge at the end of a long walk
I don't cross it as often as I used to - I usually went that way down to Buckfast to visit Mum and Dad when they lived there but now tend to do it only on their birthdays and wedding anniversary (they're both sprinkled beside Coombestone Tor.) The only shots I have of the immediate area are detail shots of icicles on mossy rocks in the river, taken on film back in the late '90s.

The Huccaby/Hexworthy thing made me dig out Chips Barker's Place-Names in Devon and that lists it as Huccaby, often called Hexworthy.