Where to sir?

Would have been a nice shot but unfortunately as Jake says, there's just too much missing off the bottom and those borders are pretty horrible.
I like the editing but it's frustrating how the bottom of the train is cut off.

Can you recover that or was that the natural bottom to the picture?

If so, you could always start the border a little lower down.
Hi Jenna, for what it's worth (I'm no expert btw) the frst thing I thought was "That looks like it's meant to be a still from a movie".

I could spend a quite a while looking at this, you have chosen a good depth of field, and the exposure looks perfect. The light is very good and It has an "old fashioned" feel to it which I think is helped by the colour saturation levels which really suit the style/subject matter.

I find the composition generally very pleasing with all the leading lines taking my eye on an enjoyable meander down the platform passing the milk churns & lamposts... all the way to the "guard?" standing at the far end. Great timing btw! I do have to agree with the others though that the bottom probably would have looked a lot better if you could see some more of the train, do you have any image data there so that you could try it with a slightly different crop?

With that said it's still good work though, keep it up.
On the contrary my first thought was, wow, my internet is slow tonight, it's still loading the bottom - Oh wait.

It is a lovely shot apart from that bottom crop, it's just not right. The crop would have been better further down so you at least get to see all the train!

I think the general editing's wonderful, the subdued colour compliments the scene perfectly but my eyes immediately went to the bottom of the frame wondering where the rest of the photo was! The train's a huge part of the scene so cutting the bottom off doesn't work to my eyes. Perhaps it might have actually worked better had you not left part of the buffer beam in; that little bit of red in itself is quite distracting but I stil think it would work much better with the loco left entirely in the frame.

Another quick thought as well, you've shown the image in a modern widescreen format but the subject is a steam locomotive that's probably from around the 1920's. With nothing else in the frame to indicate it's a modern image (like people) maybe using a more standard aspect ratio might get it across a little more faithfully?

One final thought and then I'll shut up! Maybe try cropping in slightly from the right? My eye again is drawn to the bit of building jutting into the side of the frame and the person in the bottom right corner, it would possibly look slightly cleaner if they weren't in the frame.

Again though, I love the general editing. :)