Which Book Have You Found Invaluable?


TPer Emerita
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The book recommended by Dazzajl 'the making of landscape photography' by Charlie Waite, arrived today, along with 'Studio Photography' by John Child. Both books look to make for some good bedtime reading over the next few weeks and this leads me to my question...
Apart from hands on experience/practice/advice from others, has there been any book/s that you felt really made a difference to you as a photographer?
Any particular book/s you'd care to recommend?
Whatever the area of photography youre into, with such a vast array of books out there, I think noobs like myself could benefit from a nudge in the right direction from the more experienced among you.
Ta! (y)
i have some upstairs, next time im up there i will make a note, one is by Tom Ang i know that
scott kelby - photoshop cs2 for photographers :)

and the book that taught me photography: 35mm handbook - micheal freeeman
My Mamiya Made Me A Million is one of the best books on photography, if only for the get-up-and-go factor. Don't think it's still in print and can't remember the author's name. The only book I ever read in one sitting.
The Charlie Waite that you already have is probably the book that has had the greatest effect on my photography. Not so much in what it's taught me but more for the way it made me examine the whole approach and mentality to landscpapes and more importantly.... it got me out there trying it.

The books that gave me the most knowledge are the Ansel Adams series of "The Camera", "The Negative" and " The Print". They make for quite heavy going and most of us are never going to go to those lengths with our technique but it opens up a world of mastery unlike any other.

Of course. negatives and wet prints are kinda obsolete now, and very few would use the cameras of that era but the concepts of pre-visualision and exposure control are just as (if not more) valid in the potatochop age.
Not strictly a book but my OS maps
neos said:
My Mamiya Made Me A Million is one of the best books on photography, if only for the get-up-and-go factor. Don't think it's still in print and can't remember the author's name. The only book I ever read in one sitting.

Keith Cogman. I got it through Amazon Marketplace, I think.

Thought it was massively outdated, both in technology and approach. The book makes out that all you need to do is set yourself up as a photographer, cold-call a few local businesses and bob's yer uncle, which isn't true. Least of all in London.
"A Thousand Films Films You Must See before You Die".

I'm a member of a photography book club and get at least one a month.
It's difficult to single one out but the ones that stick in my mind are 'The DSLR Handbook' which taught me the generic knowledge of using a DSLR and one on low light photography.
i found my books

won these three in a photography competition, dont think they were trying to tell me something....
Digital Photography Hacks - Derrick Sky
Mastering DSLR - Chris Weston
Making Pictures - Julian Calder

and bought this one

Digital Photography - Tom Ang
neos said:
My Mamiya Made Me A Million is one of the best books on photography, if only for the get-up-and-go factor. Don't think it's still in print and can't remember the author's name. The only book I ever read in one sitting.

I too bought that book back when it was in print and thought it was excellent, I still have it I think.

I read fingerz reply and while he may be right in some respects I think there's a lot more to the book than that simppistic view. For anyone planning on going pro it does have some valuable information, I don't know of any other book written from that perspective.