Which is better?

Keith Fusco
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430EX, or 550EX?

I want a external flash about the 150 mark (Going to buy second hand, if needed), for use with the camera, and also to eventually set-up as a external flash, which I can set-up off camera for some shots.

Was tempted by the 430EX, but then saw the 550EX, but wasn't sure what was best, as I'm new to flashes. Did see a 580EX, but it's out of my price range that I want to spend, as I may not use it a lot, which is why I want a cheaper one to start off with.
Ask Kerso for a price on the 430EX and 430EX MkII (improved cycle time) should be around £130/150.

If all you want is on camera flash for general use then the 430 is fine. With the 550 you gain extra power (maybe not that relevant dependent upon your subject), but also the ability to trigger itself and other compatible falshes off camera (550 on camera, 430 off to the side for example). 550s can be tempting second hand but in my opinion they can be quite heavily used, as the people who buy these buy them for more regular use than the stock 430s.
What do you want to use it for.

The 550EX was the top of the range canon flash until the 580 was released.

The 420 was the model below the 550/580 and this was replaced with the 430.

So the 430 is newer and has advances in technology that the 550 may not have, but the 550 was more powerful and has some features the 430 wouldn't have.
Bacially, it'll be used on camera for gig photography, and random shots at weddings etc.

Off camera stuff it'd be used to car photography wirelessy to light up parts of the car to bring out more detail. And for portraits. Going to buy a light stand with umbrella, and experiment with the external flash and that, before I get proper flashes, as I need them to be portable at first.