who remembers these??

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my £1 charity shop find of the day :)

Still have one somewhere.
That brings back memories, I actually made one in woodwork class back in the day, never could get the lid to slide nicely.:)
They even had them in my school days 1940 to 1952.
I had one and that was late '60s/early '70s.
Oh yes. Used to have one of them. Had a slide rule as well, but could never figure out how that worked.
I had a similar one. It didn't look in as good a condition though. A few girls names, the odd swear word etc + lots of Quink ink stains too.
You people must have been very posh.
I had a shatter proof ruler and an ink stained blazer pocket.
Blooming thing would only bend.
But the protractor did shatter.
Our class idiot managed to snap one, but it took him a lot of effort and the bits were W shaped when he'd finished.

They should sell school protractors (and set squares) in boxes of ten. They were always breaking. :(
Had one as well, good find, although I am sure mine had Roman Numerals on the ruler.........
Looks pretty unused, very rare. Notice the inches are divided into tenths and not what I would have expected 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8ths.
They were definitely around in the '80's.
IIRC, Oxfam used to sell them.
Ooh yes, used to have one years ago - not sure if I still have it, will have to have a look...