Will Libya mean less Loop action?

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Soon due to make my annual pilgrimage to CadWest.

Will the fact that we're active in Libya mean there are no aircraft left to train in the Loop?

Has anyone been recently who can report on activity (or could Cheesy drop a hint?)

Be a shame to go and see nothing (again!)
I'd reckon that the chopping of 200 or so baby pilots would have a much greater effect than the current attempt to turn sand red.

The budget for training just isn't there at the moment, let alone the airframes, but having said that, I can't see it being stopped completely.
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So far today there have been upwards of 20 hawk movements, plus a couple of Hercs. There have been a couple of Tornados and a Typhoon this week also. The frontline activity is down, but the training hawk pilots from 208sqn, are still very active.
T2s might be around the loop early next week. Not sure about the T1s I'm afraid.

Thanks Cheesy.

Looking at 15 April - I tend to go on or near to the anniversary of my father's death - he was ex RAF and it's quite poignant (if I get to see any activity!)

Fingers crossed.
Does anyone know whether training activities will be curtailed over the Easter period? I've been wanting to head to Cad West for a while (will be my first time) and was planning on going over at some point in the week after Easter...
Easter time can be quiet. The loop has been hit big time with recent events, not the same anymore.

I live in the Mach Loop in Talyllyn, Generally speaking its weather related through the loop, if weather has low cloud like it so often does due to the mountains & through the valley then the RAF avoid the valley somewhat

There does seem to be less activity of late, and i have noticed a serious daily decline of action over the last few years...... but there are still "Some" movements on a daily basis.

They dont fly at weekends and very rarely during bank holidays / easter holidays & Christmas holidays,

Hope that helps

Not connected with the Loop but just to echo activity at Coningsby, very quiet apart from the odd deployment, i don't think my equipment there is going to get much use this summer unfortunately :(
As always with the hills you just have to go and see what come along.

Having said that there has been a noticeable decline in movements over the years.