Wind and rain at the loop

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Hi all, Took a trip to the loop yesterday and had some great traffic, the low light and buffeting wind and rain at times meant operating my d90 covered with a plastic carrier bag and high iso's anyway had some great company and a great selection of aircraft.

They are a bit noisy but here is a few.

Thanks for looking
You're kidding me aren't you? You got the Reds going through!! :bang: AND an F15 without blue behind it!! Do you realise how lucky you are!!!
I would pay to have that pleasure...:bang:
Nice set by the way. (y) :D

You're kidding me aren't you? You got the Reds going through!! :bang: AND an F15 without blue behind it!! Do you realise how lucky you are!!!
I would pay to have that pleasure...:bang:
Nice set by the way. (y) :D


oh dear dont mension the reds in front of mr shore and especially going through the loop he will blow a gasket, i think he would walk on hot coals to get that shot

well done steve in getting a rare shot :clap:
very good :) im trying to plan a trip to the "loop" for next October. is there a guide anywhere that would help me plan the trip? Ie: Best "Spots", accommodation and exactly where the loop is?
very good :) im trying to plan a trip to the "loop" for next October. is there a guide anywhere that would help me plan the trip? Ie: Best "Spots", accommodation and exactly where the loop is?

I usually go in June and October. You are welcome to tag along on one of the trips.

great pics - numbers 3 & 5 especially work for me

a few quick questions

- whereabouts is the loop? would love to go there to shoot one day
- what focal length are these shot at?
- how hard is it to keep track of these planes given they're not exactly flying slowly?

1. Wales (Snowdonia area)

2. 300mm on cropped sensor.

3. It can be a challenge. ;)

thanks Kev

one last question - are your images heavily cropped or are you able to fill the image with a 300mm lens on a crop body?