Yashica Mat 124G (Film & Neg Scanner)

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Recently dug out one of these, and after having a play with is, I am definitely going to use it, it's a joy to use!

Question is, what film would you guys use? Looking at buying bulk if i can, been looking at the Ilford HP5 for B&W, but not sure for colour.

Any ideas for 6x6 120 rolls?

As well as that, anyone got some ideas of what negative scanners to look at? Wanting to be able to scan some 35mm, and the MF negs we have lying around!

Any other fellow Yashica owners?

Many thanks for the quick reply!

Will be taking landscapes & portraits mostly, so probably get a film for each of them, and a cheaper set for just snapping away I guess?

I was looking at the V500, so the Epson is the way to go I guess?
The Yashica Mat 124G is an excellent camera! If you are looking for the best scanner at a reasonable price, the Canon 8800F is the best option.

About the colour film, it depends on your personal taste. Try to search for some results on flickr - for example - and pick the one you prefer.
Indeed, the Yashica Mat 124G is a really nice camera. I hope you enjoy using it.

I can't help you with scanners I'm afraid, but with regards to film you could try the new Kodak Ektar 100 for colour prints. The 120 version was supposed to have come out in April and is a highly regarded film. As for black & white, well you won't go wrong with Ilford. I have made 6 x 6 prints from FP4 (125 ISO) and the quality is simply stunning.
Fuji Reala is good for gardens and portraits.
The Yashica Mat 124G is an excellent camera! If you are looking for the best scanner at a reasonable price, the Canon 8800F is the best option.

About the colour film, it depends on your personal taste. Try to search for some results on flickr - for example - and pick the one you prefer.

Ahh, hadn't seen the 8800F, looks pretty ideal! Might have a better read on reviews! Thanks! And yeah, was looking around at FlickR and saw Kodak Portra VCKodak Portra VC/NC, Fuji Pro 160S looked good for colour and Kodak Tri-X/T-Max looked good for B&W, along with the HP5Plus.

Indeed, the Yashica Mat 124G is a really nice camera. I hope you enjoy using it.

I can't help you with scanners I'm afraid, but with regards to film you could try the new Kodak Ektar 100 for colour prints. The 120 version was supposed to have come out in April and is a highly regarded film. As for black & white, well you won't go wrong with Ilford. I have made 6 x 6 prints from FP4 (125 ISO) and the quality is simply stunning.

Yeah, the Yashica is lovely to use, don't know why i put off using it for so long! Will look for examples on the film you mentioned :)

Fuji Reala is good for gardens and portraits.

Will look for examples, thanks :)
Canon 8800F is what I use. Good scanner for the price, but I can't help but feel that the scans could be sharper. Optimum focus point seems to be below the glass, doh!
But for what it costs... no complaints :)
Also looking at the HP Scanjet G4010, any good?
Sorry for digging up an old(ish) thread.

Ordering the film etc tonight or tomorrow, any specific places you guys order your film from? Also anyone know of any good places that are reliable to get roll film etc developed? Seen a few places, but their prices are astronomically high! Any help would be appreciated :).

Will probably buy the Canon MP620 multi-function, and then probably the Epson V-Series Scanner, but not fully decided on the scanner yet!
If you don't mind a little wait, I find 7dayshop.com to be very good in the price and choice departments.

I get my processing done at Peak Imaging (http://www.peak-imaging.co.uk/) though I am aware there are cheaper places out there. Peak are fast and reliable though, so I have no problem spending the extra pennies with them.
If you don't mind a little wait, I find 7dayshop.com to be very good in the price and choice departments.

I get my processing done at Peak Imaging (http://www.peak-imaging.co.uk/) though I am aware there are cheaper places out there. Peak are fast and reliable though, so I have no problem spending the extra pennies with them.

Not too bad pricing on Peak Imaging, will have a look at them, thanks!
I had one of those years ago. Nice camera, can't remember waht happened to it.

I would second the use of Kodak T-Max film B&W, but if you want that classic Grain lookI used to use Tri-X. Problem is nowadays getting conventional silver halide films processed. Unless you want to do it yourself of course.

In which case try Kodak BW400CN . This goes through conventional colour neg process
I had one of those years ago. Nice camera, can't remember waht happened to it.

I would second the use of Kodak T-Max film B&W, but if you want that classic Grain lookI used to use Tri-X. Problem is nowadays getting conventional silver halide films processed. Unless you want to do it yourself of course.

In which case try Kodak BW400CN . This goes through conventional colour neg process

Yeah, might order a few of the Kodak rolls, many seem to recommend them!