Yashicamat 124G - Screen

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Hi guys,

I'm very new to the world of film and recently picked up a yashicamat 124 g in a local charity shop. I've been enjoying using the camera with some decent results although the WLF takes some getting used to.

Id like to replace the focus screen as I've read you can get brighter ones with a split prism to help nailing focus. I can see a few on ebay and the likes but is this something that I could attempt to do myself - (I have to admit to not being very handy with this sort of thing) or is there a recommended place I can send my camera to have it done properly?

Any help much appreciated.
Hi Michael

It might be worth persevering with your current screen. Apparently Yashica screens are supposed to be rather good.

Is the mirror dirty perhaps?

I have a Rick Oleson screen with split prism in my Rolleicord and, while very bright, is quite difficult to focus. I see he now does a different type with microprism which may be better. He makes a Yashica one.

He sends them with fitting instructions.
I agree with Simon about perservering with what you already have.

I have a Rolleicord and a 124G, the latter being a doddle to compose and focus with after using the comparable "dim" screen of the Rollei
I got a Rick Oleson screen for my Minolta Autocord. Replaced it ok, but I couldn't get the 4 tiny screws back in place to hold it down. I took it in to the local jewellers and asked how much, and he took it out back and did it for nothing, other than a chat about the film cameras he used to use! Bit brighter, don't remember focusing being much worse, but I was unsure my money was well spent. Don't forget buying from abroad you're possibly going to be hit for import duty, then VAT on purchase price plus duty, then ParcelFraud's £8 (or whatever) ransom for paying the extras for you.
Hi guys,

I'm very new to the world of film and recently picked up a yashicamat 124 g in a local charity shop. I've been enjoying using the camera with some decent results although the WLF takes some getting used to.

Id like to replace the focus screen as I've read you can get brighter ones with a split prism to help nailing focus. I can see a few on ebay and the likes but is this something that I could attempt to do myself - (I have to admit to not being very handy with this sort of thing) or is there a recommended place I can send my camera to have it done properly?

Any help much appreciated.

Having both owned a Yashica Mat 124 with the standard screen and used some of the oft-mentioned possible replacement screens (e.g., Oleson screen, Mamiya screens), I would think very carefully before choosing to switch, as the Yashica screens strike a good balance between brightness and contrast (the brighter the screen often the harder it is to find focus).

Assuming the mirror and screen are clean, practice would be my first recommendation for improving focus accuracy.
I had a yashica TLR and compared to the automat it's clear and bright. Screen might just be dirty. I found it a doddle to focus with.
Thanks for all the advice folks - I guess I should just persevere wit the screen and get used to it. The camera is split new, I think I must be the first person to use it. I found it boxed with the strap and everything still in its original packaging. its in mint condition so i don't expect there to be a problem with the screen, just that Im new to cameras like this and struggled when compared to the view through my D810 lol.

Cheers again .