your christmas dinner photos

Here's mine.....there's 6 sausages, three slices of beef and four slices of bird in a bird in a bird under there somewhere.....:eek:

Before by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr

And here's what was left.....along with my enormous gut, and gravy stained t-shirt!!! :p

After by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Good work Damien! (y)

Yv, I'll use a pizza plate next time, that'll stop my spuds rolling down the sides of 'mount foodi'. :LOL:

Buried it!!! :D
My dinner (well, before it was all dished out...).

Sage & Onion, Pork & Chestnut and Venison & Red onion stuffings, sausages with and without bacon, roast goose and roast turkey, glazed carrots, parsnips in honey & black pepper, home made gravy, cranberry and apple sauces, red cabbage and sprouts with chestnuts and bacon.

To follow, M&S White Chocolate bombe, and Hestons Xmas Pud with brandy cream!

well, here it is, my sister did not disappoint

succulent local turkey, honey and mustard glazed gammon. Garlic and rosemary roast potatoes, two types of sage and onion stuffing homemade, one with thyme and one with sausagemeat, sweet potato, brocoli, homegrown cabbage, roasted parsnips and locally sourced pigs in blankets hidden by the mountain of other food.

all topped off with homemade gravy flavoured with the skin of the bird.

IMG_5372 by MrJoeBoy, on Flickr
I think I feel sick now I have just looked at this thread as I have stuffed myself rotten all day. Here's hoping I will not eat a bean tomorrow but I know for sure that it will be 'normal service resumed' as soon as I get out of bed.

Why do we do it?
This is us tucking into turkey, pork, two stuffings, crackling, sprouts, carrots, roast potatos followed by christmas pudding with brandy butter.

Duck marinaded in Amaretto in a maraschino cherry sauce, various stuffings, roasties, roasted parsnips and asparagus. Not brilliant. Me Christmas pudding was much better.

I got too hammered, burnt the roast carrots and wolfed down the entire meal before I could get the camera out. The bottles of prosecco and Asahi didn't help.So a successful crimbo all round :LOL:
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Boi! Thare's sum rhum looking xmas meals thare. :LOL:

JonnoC's looked noice tho.
@Slimbert: Your Yorkies look loike Aunt Bessies! :eek: :puke:
Nuffing too serious I hope.
Proper Yorkies here:
not the most visually pleasing, but it sure went down a treat!

accompanied by tiger bread and butter....drool....

IMAG0135 by dobinio, on Flickr

smothered in gravy and half a jar of cranberry.....urggghhhh.....i'd eat it again now!

IMAG0136 by dobinio, on Flickr

later followed by the potatoes of death......

IMAG0137 by dobinio, on Flickr

hats off to my brother for cooking this year, might have been his first one but he did bloody well!!!!
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The crown ready to be carved.....lovely and moist too :D


Sat down ready to eat a late Dinner (about 5pm).

I didn't take a photo of the actual dinner plate this year, so here's one from the same recipe from last year.
Turkey free zone

Earl Grey infused tenderloin of pork, Smoke emulsion, roast potatoes, carrot and vanilla puree and a saute of savoy cabbage and Worcestershire sauce.

Much more fun to cook than the christmas dinner for 14 I did last weekend
cheers mate

cooking for 139 people on christmas day isnt the greatest though lol

Hope you were paid well enough! I suspect you are a Cook or Chef by profession?