your thoughts and help.


Edit My Images
After doing quite al ot of low key stuff i wanted to flip the script and got the gineau pig <cough> sorry wife to stand in and let me experiment.

any tips and help will be greratful. Does it work? best way to edit etc...



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She looks quite uneasy Lee if I am honest. She is obv not happy about being a guinea pig :D

Theres also a lot of white space to her left, any reason you've kept that in instead of cropping closer? :)
i havent tried anythig with the composition thats how it is from the camera. I think the uneasyness (if thats a word) is probably from here being dragged into the attick.
I guessed as much ;)

But when a model is unhappy and uneasy, it shows in the photos :(
I like it, although i don't do proper portraits myself yet! I think there needs to be a bit more light on her front to take away some of those shadows.

It looks as though you have caught you wife off guard, words that spring to mind are, you and that bloddy camera again :nono:!
She looks quite uneasy Lee if I am honest. She is obv not happy about being a guinea pig :D

I'm sensing that is a well-practiced look that Lee is all too familiar with :LOL:

That apart, the way her elbow is cut off and as Betty says, the large expanse of white space are a bit awkward, did you manage any other shots or was this the only one you managed to get away with safely? ;)
managed a few others, just pulled this one out of the hat but probably still as bad.
Dont be daft! Pick the best and do some PP on it, you'll always find one you like :)
ok another one, a tighter frame this time.

Just a quick tip Lee, try putting the thinnest black border on these pics, gives them a bit of definition, and we can see where the pics start and end when you post on a similar coloured forum :)

She does look happier in this pic though :)
thanks Betty, My last one which i think she warmed up to the camera a little.
took your advice and added the thin border for the forum.

Much better! :)

You've got a gorgeous wife there Lee, she should be so at ease in front of a camera :)
you would think so Betty but she is unbeleivably shy. I will pass on the compliment and thanks again.
Much better! :)

You've got a gorgeous wife there Lee, she should be so at ease in front of a camera :)


These are much better, much more natural. I think once your wife gets more used to you taking her pic all the time you'll be onto a winner there (y)
just another style of editing from the last pic, again let me know what you think.

Frankly, I like them, she has a natural face, she is not made up with make-up trying to define areas, a definite path to follow.

I am amazed at how much difference a simple border makes. I was think it could be interesting to make up a tryptch (?) of the three facial expressions above.