Your thoughts on early home studio attempt

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Interested in your thoughts on my earlier studio portrait attempts. Took chance as my daughter came down for the weekend!



You have caught some nice expressions imho and the hair moving is also nice..

A few tweaks in ps and these will look 10x times better imo.

I would check levels.

Add contrast.

slightly resharpen.

And i suspect add alittle saturation....

All in my humble opinion;)


ps pretty daughter ;)
MD thnx. I have done quite a bit of PP but possibly I am generally being cautious and simply too suitable. Will have a go with your suggestions. Really appreciate the input - and the compliment!
On the first one I cant quite work out if it was a soft photo generally and you have sharpened the eyes to draw you in to them?

I ask this because it was shot at F/7.1 which i'd have thought too higher f number to get such a obvious DOF?
lukechad said:
On the first one I cant quite work out if it was a soft photo generally and you have sharpened the eyes to draw you in to them?

I ask this because it was shot at F/7.1 which i'd have thought too higher f number to get such a obvious DOF?

I did sharpen the eyes. I guess I should be using a lower aperture to reduce the DOF but i get concerned about poor focus when both the model and I move about a little. Do not output to a screen to check which is prob a mistake given I can't really check properly on the back of the camera. Does that make sense?
#2 is almost perfect, just a tad bright on the forehead, nose line and high cheeks.
Thanks Tiler, appreciate the feedback. Understand your comment, noted.