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Busy weekend at the 'leaf left us with 20-odd shoots to process.

A relatively easy job when kids are a photogenic as this - just a Studio Preset and we're away!

fish in a barrel old chap...to you
to us a struggle
great shot and lucky you with all that gear to set them into
Ta Geof - very kind of you.

I wasn't shooting like this in june when the place opened - the benefits shooting all the time we seem to have, between us, developed a 'style'.

I'm looking forward to getting a few new bits of gear - trading up the lencartas for something else, they have done their job, and start lighting people a bit more specifically.
Ta Geof - very kind of you.

I wasn't shooting like this in june when the place opened - the benefits shooting all the time we seem to have, between us, developed a 'style'.

I'm looking forward to getting a few new bits of gear - trading up the lencartas for something else, they have done their job, and start lighting people a bit more specifically.

Best of luck with that Steve..
there was a time i would understand about lighting but never got into it.
we had a portrait evening at our camera club and i found the soft box the one i got a good shot of one of the members on...and won a competition with it
it was on black to white transparency so i couldnt do what we can today