zenphoto users, HELP!

Andy Jones
Edit My Images
Ok, so I'm struggling to get to grips with zenphoto but it seems to have a mind of it's own.

I've got a simple test album, here:


Some images are getting the warkmark, others aren't - no idea why. I've told it to cache them all, tried again.. nothing.

Boolean search doesn't work between title and tag so I can't, for example, do a search such as "050 & hurtle", it returns 0 matches and yet there is an image with the title 050 in an album called Hurtle and tagged with the word Hurtle. If you search for either term on its own the image is found.

Anyone using it managed to get this stuff working? If so, how? Or should I throw in the towel and look elsewhere?
It's no wonder really - I swear there's a random number decision maker chunk of code in there somewhere :LOL:
Yes, they should all be watermarked right now. It's a global setting in zenphoto but it only likes doing it to some albums and not others :shrug:

For example:
http://www.shootingpixels.net/zenphoto/Humdinger FunRun/001.jpg.php

has a watermark


doesn't have one. I've not treated them any differently, just uploaded the files via ftp and told it to cache the images. It's as if it likes some folders but not others but randomly. During one test when it didn't work I removed the album, uploaded it again and then the watermark worked :bang:

I've just heard that the search won't work between different types of data, so you boolean search on tags but not tags and name, etc... that's just pants :(
Looks like the watermarked one is being served from the cache and the one without not.

Are the permissions on the files and folders set appropriately?
All permissions are the same, like I said I did exactly the same for each gallery. Selected a bunch of files, uploaded via ftp whereupon they appeared in the Admin > Edit panel as a new album, hit the cache button. It always reports caching worked but I too noted that some files weren't being cached but I've no idea why :shrug: