Zooming on compact cameras

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Hi guys,

I am just wondering why using zoom in my digital compact camera distorts the image quality. In that case what is the point of zooming!

It depends whether you're using optical or digital zoom.

Optical zoom is worth using - if the camera and lens are a decent quality.

Digital zoom is pointless - it just crops and resamples your image.
which camera are you using?

what sort of "distortion"?

sadly, in the world of compacts, some camera models put higher priority on fancy electronics and pretty case colours than good glass.

(no offence meant, typed that comment about colours before seeing your thread on black/silver dSLR! the only valid concern for camera body colour is whether strong sunlight may cause heating and distortion, hence some lenses are white) . . . (ok, there's the animal stalking camo crowd too)

ALL zoom lenses, even fancy £600 lenses, have to make compromises and fancy internal adjustments in order to allow the optics to work at all over a range of focal lengths (zoom). Obviously at £600 you expect less compromises in image quality as the lens system uses better glass, better design and better construction. The fancy expensive lens will also probably have a limited zoom range to ensure optimal image quality, if you want more zoom then you have to change lens.

For a £50 to £300 compact camera (with a price that includes the body as well as the lens), that covers a wide zoom range (maybe equivalent to that £600 lens and a £400 lens), then there is a good chance that there could be a few extra compromises on image quality to keep the price down!