A Cautionary Tale

Andy Grant
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The picture below was taken on Holy Island just off the North East coast of England on New Year's Day.

by andysnapper1, on Flickr

It was the only photo I took that day and here's why.

I didn't have a lot to drink on NYE, enough to enjoy myself but not enough to have a bad hangover so at 09.30 I said to the current Mrs Snap (who was hungover) that I was going out with the camera for a few hours. Ok says she but first could you make a pot of soup for us all to have for lunch? Allright says I (muttering under breath about losing the nice light) and off I went to make soup for 9. 10.30 and I finally get out of the cottage, by this time the light has gone all grey and miserable, still Bamburgh Castle is only 40 minutes away sure to get some good shots there.
20 minutes later I'm stuck behind Polly Pensioner doing 40 down the A1, now its drizzling and the wind has picked up to gale force. "Sod this,there's a sign to Holy Island, I'll just pop along have a quick scout round for locations and come back when the weathers better and home in time for lunch"
Down at the causeway there are people walking back and to, cars parked halfway along and no sea to be seen, straight across then and up to the village. As I pulled into the car park I saw a large LED display... SAFE CROSSING TIMES TODAY 06.15 to 11.55....thats all right its only....aaarrgghhh 12.05. Spin the car around and head back to the causeway.

Well I'm sure you can all guess the result, too late the tide has swept in over the mudflats at speed and I'm stuck on a small island in a storm, with nothing open (except the pub but I can't get lashed as I've got to drive back) for 6 and a half hours.....:rage:

What a muppet.:facepalm:
:ROFLMAO: oh dear!! Did they save you any soup? :naughty: Reminds me of the story long before I was born, my parents, then simply 'courting' had gone for a day out to Southport on dads bike. Parking it up on the sands with sea, as it is at Southport, somewhere over the horizon, they lay out their towels and enjoyed the sunshine, quickly dozing off apparently. They were of course woken by getting wet. However, not just was the sea coming in at them, they were actually surrounded by it, having managed to find a slight bank of sand. They pushed the bike back in through what mum says was only a few inches of water, then spent several hours with my dad faffing around drying it off before he would even attempt to start it. Near;y caused a divorce before they had even got married ;)
Well that's a nice story (or confession ;) ) but nice shot but couldn't you get a naked woman walking towards you as the subject (y)
Well that's a nice story (or confession ;) ) but nice shot but couldn't you get a naked woman walking towards you as the subject (y)

Oh Brian how I have tried...but to no avail.:(
Same here....
I'm on Wife No. 3 so cannot loan out any Ladies I'm afraid ---
Wife 3.... blimey, a glutton for punishment. ;)
well you posted this Wednesday ,,,its now Friday ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

and ive just stopped laughing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,all i can say :ROFLMAO: is ,it takes :LOL: a real man :giggle: to own up to being :ROFLMAO: a muppet on here .
ahhh bless his little size 16 cotton socks :ty:for the music post
If I can bring a little laughter into someones sad life then my work here is done....bravely walks away, head held high and an enigmatic smile playing across his lips.
Then trips over an unseen obstacle....

I'm still chortling. The more I think about you being stuck on an island the funnier it becomes :)

Yes, my friends all thought it was hilarious as well. They had prepared a little musical welcome for me when I finally returned, The Tide is High, Sitting on The Dock of the Bay, Bridge Over Troubled Water etc..... all highly amusing...:mad:
Yes, my friends all thought it was hilarious as well. They had prepared a little musical welcome for me when I finally returned, The Tide is High, Sitting on The Dock of the Bay, Bridge Over Troubled Water etc..... all highly amusing...:mad:


I'm going to need surgery now. I may have burst....
The more I think about you being stuck on an island the funnier it becomes :)


Still laughing :LOL: Might have to start calling Mr Snap Robinson Crusoe.
Bloody moon.....if it wasn't for that lunar git we wouldn't have tides and this would never have happened. :D
Just for you Mr Snap Crusoe :D

Thanks mate.....git.
Well as the dark, wet days of January recede but the dark, wet, cold days of February beckon, I couldn't let Andy's selfless gesture slip onto page 2. Defeinitely worth re-reading from the beginning... :D:banana::clap:
Why thank you Chris how very thoughtful o_O
oops sorry , accidently clicked on this thread and wrote this ,,,,i'll try not to do it again,, :naughty:
That reminds me. I haven't had a good chortle about this for days. Easily remedied fortunately :D
Cheers pals, glad that my misfortune is still making people smile.
sorry mate ,,,but it was ,,,,,well,, funny,if you fancy some toggin on the isle of sheppy,,,just give me a shout .they built a bridge over the water so you cant get stuck on it :ROFLMAO:
a bridge, what a ridiculous idea. Much better to spend hours waiting for the water to ebb away.....
actually you're right , that bridge is bloody dangerous

when you live by the sword etc.
The railway line actually...funny, funny man...:bat:
Andy all this talking is doing nothing to let the thread get off the page , mind you , i dont think anything will :)
Just read this and found it most amusing! I was certain there were tide times on both sides of the causeway, just in case people thought it would be safe to nip across and ended up getting stuck.
I remember the first time going there for a school trip, in the morning we walked across the sands to the island and then had to wait until the afternoon for the tide to recede for the bus to come and collect us. Sneaky teachers, trapping us like that and forcing us to learn stuff.

Does this mean that this is back on the first page again? Sorry 'bout that.