Nifty Fifty Challenge 2024 - Chat thread

Month three already and I still haven't submitted an outdoor shot. The kind folk here will begin to wonder if I never go out!
Is it still raining?
Things are looking up here weather wise on the South Coast. My other half is keen on the National Garden Scheme and although I've got little interest in horticulture beyond a few buzzwords picted up from Gardener's Question Time, I'm a willing victim accomplice as oftentimes, the better off participants in the scheme have some rather photogenic sculptures and landscaping.
About time for @Gav. to get his thinking cap on. April is soon to be here :D
Do we bend the rules and have April early for the long weekend??
Oooh I dunno about that ;)
But your game, your rules...
Hi thread . . . QUESTION - I just received a 50mm prime (vintage) so where do I post a photo for this 'ere Nifty Fitfy challenge?
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As feared when I picked up the camera again, I've gone down the rabbit hole.

I stopped by the local library today with a new (to me) rig and few ideas to try. It was closed. What? At 5PM?
OK, I finally have my entry in.

Yesterday I went into Oxford with a specific place in mind (I'll post in the 'runners up image' thread shortly) and while I did take the shots I wanted, as I was walking around the Norrington Room at Blackwells I came across a section on the middle east that stopped me in my tracks. I don't like making political points through pictures, but it was hard not to with this. It's not really a great photograph in terms of being pleasing to the eye, but I hope it says something.
Gav SPRING really did you wake up this morning look out the window and think SPRING lol
Done :D
Not yet showing in the woods here, although there are isolated clumps in sunny places.
:runaway: what happened to April?! I need to pull my finger out and get something in.

New theme coming soon :)
Well you better had ;)
I don't trust any of them :p Em can't read this can she .. :oops: :$ :exit:
Well obviously your internal clock is malfunctioning, so I'd suggest getting it looked at ;)