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Before I post this in the freebie section just thought I’d check if there was any interest.

Recesky build it yourself DIY Camera kit. IMG_2243.jpeg
It’s not been opened but some clumsy oaf has put their thumb through the plastic inner packaging, it is complete and ready to be built. It’ll be free, I’ll cover the postage but would appreciate a donation the the upkeep of the TP forum.
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I'd like that if possible. Would donate to the forum if it came my way of course.
Great, just to keep within the forum rules, I’ll post it in the Freebie’s section.
Would you let us know what its like to build and use? I've been umming and ahhhhing about getting one for years now
I'll try! I've built a 120 pinhole from a laser cut kit (v complex and lengthy) as well as simple box 4x5 pinholes. I'm hoping this is somewhere between the two.

We've got the builders in next week so it's liable to be a couple of weeks before I can make a start on it.

It looks fiddly as balls lol. I think I'd end up chucking it across the table, my lad however, I reckon he'd be great at that
If it gets to this point I'll box it up and send it across to your lad!

Also got a feeling I may need some black electrical tape tape during or after construction to try and contain light leaks. Anyway that's all for the future.
The Recesky camera kit from @RaglanSurf arrived on Saturday. Thank very much. A suitable donation has been made to the forum. From first glance it looks fiddly. I'll keep you updated on how I go but it will be a couple of weeks before I get chance to start on it.
I'll try! I've built a 120 pinhole from a laser cut kit (v complex and lengthy) as well as simple box 4x5 pinholes. I'm hoping this is somewhere between the two.

We've got the builders in next week so it's liable to be a couple of weeks before I can make a start on it.

How come two weeks? You just said you had the (camera?) builders in :exit:
After all the moving of heavy stuff I've a bad back. So time to get started.

So according to the box I'll be shooting my first film by midday :)


Hmmn, perhaps not.
Tiny spring...


Some light profanity...and it's in.

So far it seems, as a kit, well designed. Magnetic screwdriver is a nice touch. 55 mins in so far. Part way through stage 3 of 7. Don't think you'll see any wet prints from this beauty tonight.

Edit: Time for a cup of tea. More camera excitement later.
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Right back at it again. The part that takes the longest is the springs. They are now in. The pace starts to pick up a little mainly as the plastic sides start to go on.


Then 1st fail. Trying to slide in the large part (bottom left) and the small part (centre) falls out. About an hour spent this time so running at 2 hours. Right walk away and put the kettle on :(
Done, took about 3 hours total. Got the fallen out piece back in easily.

The phone camera shows this brighter than it really is

The biggest issue to actually using it will be just the 1/4 turn between focusing and both lenses falling out! Will take a few shots on Kentmere 400 with it tomorrow whatever the weather.

It's been an enjoyable experience overall. It's made me appreciate that "simple" single shutter speed cameras aren't that simple really. I know whatever images it takes won't be great but I don't think that's really the point.

Would I recommend others building one? Yes, if you like tinkering and have both the patience and dexterity.

Finally, many thanks to @RaglanSurf for letting me have this.
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Ah damn, I'm gonna have to get one now.
Thank you for documenting the build and whatnot. I know I could find it on yoochoob but I find it more relatable when its someone of a shared community
I was given one of these. Easy to put together. Not so easy to take photos with - not as easy as an old Brownie anyway! Partly because it is so lightweight it's hard to hold still - and the viewfinder is not great.

Took a couple of reels, but never got them developed as it seemed prohibitively expensive to do so.
I was given one of these. Easy to put together. Not so easy to take photos with - not as easy as an old Brownie anyway! Partly because it is so lightweight it's hard to hold still - and the viewfinder is not great.

Took a couple of reels, but never got them developed as it seemed prohibitively expensive to do so.
I've taken a few shots on it so far. The viewing screen is less than useless unless in bright light and it's a clearer identifiable object. The "focus" so far seems to make no appreciable difference to what shows up on the viewing screen. I've "bracketed" the few shots I've taken so far - lens fully in, lens halfway out & lens out as far it goes without falling out. Yes the lenses have fallen out on me!

It does have a mechanism where you can physically remove a holed spacer in the taking lens which I think increases aperture for less available light. Of course I've no idea what shutter speed is (guessing somewhere in 1/50 to 1/120 range) or what aperture it is (again guessing f8-f11+)

I'll take a couple more "bracketed" shots on a brighter day and develop the dozen or so shots. I'll open the camera in the darkroom and cut the unwound film close to the cassette so I'll at least have another approx 24 unexposed shots to use in this camera or a better one. Of course I'll post the scanned results.