WCMUT....what cheered me up today

When you need a bit of a laugh, there are always people with "alternative" views on what is reality, to put a smile on your face.
I never knew "flat earthers" really exist, but they do.

Yep... Flat earthers AKA Flerfs exist.... Loads of good vids on Youtube of their theories getting debunked...

If you really want a good laugh.....

Sitting in our conservatory eating breakfast for the first time this year! Lovely :)
I put fresh food out for the birds and within five minutes we had a pair of dunnocks feeding.
Sitting in our conservatory eating breakfast for the first time this year! Lovely :)
I put fresh food out for the birds and within five minutes we had a pair of dunnocks feeding.
It's great being able to do that. It's a real tonic. Which direction is your conservatory facing ? We have a summerhouse that faces SSE and have been able to have breakfast in there quite a lot over winter .We get the sun in there about 8.00am ..sunrise is now 6.15.
Ours faces east and the sun moves around to the west. We keep warm all day, absolutely lovely ;)
A pair of Ravens playing with the thermals almost directly above my house, all the while chatting to each other.

Wonderful to watch their antics. I'm sure they do it just for fun.

I agree. They are a delight to see and seem to combined purposeful flight with spells of apparent lunacy.

I saw one while flying flip over thrash about a bit and then return to normal flight; great birds.

I saw one while flying flip over thrash about a bit and then return to normal flight
Yes they were doing that. The other amazing thing they were doing was letting the thermals take them to great height, a pinprick even through binoculars, then tucking in their wings and freefalling before swooping out of the fall, then doing it again.
Briefly heard a cuckoo yesterday morning and passed a red backed shrike perched on a telephone wire. This morning a nightingale was going through its chords and on the way home from work three swallows were seen on the edge of our village :)
After a long while with no E5 petrol, the Sainsbury's fuel station we tend to use is finally getting its Super-Unleaded tank relined. Mildly annoying that they're using the car wash area for storage while the works are going on but I can cope!!!
Does that make you an Ooninist?

All the best for a complete recovery.
Finding out that watch lubricants (oils and silicone greases) work perfectly well on guitars. Perfect transitioning from watch repairing to luthiering! Now, just to get my guitar timing as good as the watch!
Finding out that watch lubricants (oils and silicone greases) work perfectly well on guitars. Perfect transitioning from watch repairing to luthiering! Now, just to get my guitar timing as good as the watch!

Price of Moebius 9010 (about £20 for 2ml when I bought mine) I think there might be more economic ways of working - then again, that 9010 would probably do hundreds of movements, so it'll probably outlast me... 9504 at nearer £30 for 5ml is a bit more palatable, but then again, the number of times I seem to be reassembling keyless works on Chinese 2824's and the incredibly nasty DG3804 GMT's, I might actually end up using most of it!
Yesterday, it was seeing a fox fast asleep from Mrs Nod's Mum's window and today it was seeing a vixen crossing a zebra crossing - both of us drivers stopped to let her cross!
I just had to relate this conversation..Lol. I went to Slimbridge WWT Centre today (Redshank just posted in Birds) and whilst walking from one hide to another I went by the enclosure where there are wildfowl from South America. They are very colourful. Standing looking at them was a mum and her 7 year old (approx) daughter who was visibly excited by them.

Daughter: "Mummyeeeee"

Mum: "Yes, darling"

Daughter: "I want to take one home"

Mum.. "You can't do that,sweetheart"

Daughter: Why not, I'll look after it"

Mum.."You're not allowed to take them home"

Daughter: "If you pay £1000 you can"

Mom: "How do you know that ? "

Daughter: "I saw it on a sign.".she turned and pointed back to where they'd come from...lol

Mum..."No, I don't think so and you can't take them away from their friends"..the little girl grimaced .

Mum. "Come on we need to catch up with daddy"

Daughter. "Can I have an ice cream...?"

Yes.,.. she was going to get an ice cream..Lol.
Works with Mrs Nod too! All I have to do is keep talking about a body/lens/bike/etc. until she says "If you buy the bleeping thing, will you STF up about it?"
I have to keep my camera kit buys secret as if Mrs WW finds out she always offers to buy it for me. I'm sure she does this so she can say "You got That so I'm getting This." :D And why not.
Mrs WW has just said she fancies a pizza today :D Excellent! :D She whinges when I say I want one as she doesn't think they'll healthy but today I get to have one without her whinging :D
That's me with the shelduck chicks at Slimbridge. And my partner buys me cappuccino and carrot cake,................... before he checks my pockets..........
Yes..They're vey cute with their chocolate/cream fluffy feathers. I'd quite like to have a Pintail or two on our pond :D
Going into the local Sainsbury's and finding that Laphoraig, one of my favourite Island malts, was on offer at £31, ticket price £43, with a Nectar card.
Going into the local Sainsbury's and finding that Laphoraig, one of my favourite Island malts, was on offer at £31, ticket price £43, with a Nectar card.
One of my faves too, the 10yo, not the select.
Knocking 13 shots off last Thursday's score. Mind you, last Thursday's round was more annoying in its total cr@pness than today's was cheering for its brilliance (still not a great round but MUCH better over the 9 holes!)
Knocking 13 shots off last Thursday's score. Mind you, last Thursday's round was more annoying in its total cr@pness than today's was cheering for its brilliance (still not a great round but MUCH better over the 9 holes!)
One step forwards two steps back. C'mon you know how its works. :D
Luckily, we play for the exercise and company more than for the sporting excellence we're all capable of!!! (At least until we wake up...)
I took early retirement in July 2022 and was lucky enough to be on a final salary scheme.... That year my employer awarded a 5% pay rise backdated to April 2022 but those that retired between the April and when the pay deal was settled were left out..... And that p***ed me off, especially as inflation was spiralling upwards and my pension was effectively worked out on my 2020 salary and hadn't had a pay rise in 2021!!!

Fast forward to today and I received a letter from the company.... Apparently they've reconsidered their decision in 2022 and they will be awarding the pay rise to those who missed out, and the pay rise will also be applied to my pension.....

What does that mean for me??? I should receive about £5000 for what I am owed on my pension + about £500 back pay....... and my pension should go up about £100 a month

Just an update on this..... My back-pay from 2022 got paid into my bank account this week and yesterday received a payslip showing me what was owed on basic salary and allowances and also what was deducted for income tax, Ni and pension contributions!!!

I wonder if Equiniti will be as quick when it comes to adjusting my pensions!!!
You may find that you’ll be hit for tax so don’t spend it until you are sure.
I pay tax on all my pension income, one utilises the whole 1257 code and the others are BR code so I doubt Equiniti will screw up that up. My back-pay from 2022 was taxed and that is already showing on my HMRC record...

I know I made the right move in retiring when I did, especially after seeing the front page of my local paper last week - the headline was about the funeral of a biker killed on the road to where I used to work. It was a 61 year old guy who occasionally worked with me... Single vehicle fatal at 5 o'clock in the morning...
I did wonder...:D I didn't know there such things apart from in pizza outlets of course. Well,. enjoy your pizzas :)
I know several who have Pizza ovens including my son. He was rather pleased with himself last week when his neighbour (an Italian from Naples) asked if my son could give him a lesson in making Pizza dough. I have to admit that his Pizzas are rather good.

WCMUT, being treated to a lovely sunset across some lovely landscape on a drive home from Dundee this evening, which was enhanced nicely through polarised sunglasses. Naturally, my camera was at home - but I would have been too tired anyway. Was a nice little treat to make up for the boring A9.
Combing the bugs out of my beard after a blast down one river and up the next on the bike. The mate I popped round to was out so I still have an excuse (as if I needed one!) to go out again.