Jamin100's Project 52 for 2011 - Week 8 / 9 & 10 NOW ADDED :)

Well done on getting the area of focus just right and an original take on the theme.
Not too keen on this weeks entry to be honest so I may re-submit another one later on in the week. But for now here's my take on Style.

Project52-3.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr
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Hi Ben,

There seems to be a halo effect around the perfume bottle IMO. Are you cloning something out of the b'ground or is it tweaking the colours?

I like the DOF on the woodrain though, it gives the image a fresh relaxed feeling.
I really like the content of the shot for style. Fascinating box and a beautiful perfume bottle - I wish I had one of those for my apple project ;)
The low point of view, feel of perspective and DoF are all spot on too. You've captured the grain of the wood well and the lines lead my eye straight to the bottle . . . the only frustrating thing is that I can't quite read the writing on the bottle and I really want to!
I think it may have made a stronger impact if it was rotated slightly, either to hide the writing completely or make it more legible.

My only other niggle is that halo around the bottle, as already mentioned. I'm a bit confused by it because the shot doesn't look heavily processed so I can't quite figure out what's causing it.

p.s. Your week 2 new shot is absolutely superb !!!
I really like the content of the shot for style. Fascinating box and a beautiful perfume bottle - I wish I had one of those for my apple project ;)
The low point of view, feel of perspective and DoF are all spot on too. You've captured the grain of the wood well and the lines lead my eye straight to the bottle . . . the only frustrating thing is that I can't quite read the writing on the bottle and I really want to!
I think it may have made a stronger impact if it was rotated slightly, either to hide the writing completely or make it more legible.

My only other niggle is that halo around the bottle, as already mentioned. I'm a bit confused by it because the shot doesn't look heavily processed so I can't quite figure out what's causing it.

p.s. Your week 2 new shot is absolutely superb !!!

Hi Sarah,

Thanks for your comment. What I've tried to achieve but failed miserably is selective coloring. Ive tried to take all the color out of the image apart from the bottle. I'm actually really disappointed with this shot and think that I will re-shoot this in weeks to come.

The bottle by the way is from Lolita Lempicka

Amazon Link


Well i know its late but this one was out of my control!

As soon as week 4's theme of 'OPEN' was announced I knew the exact shot that I wanted.

My partner was due to give birth on the 23rd January so it was great timing. However she was 12 days LATE! which really screwed up my project 52 timeline.. how inconsiderate!


Verity was born on Friday 4th February just after 4pm. This shot is one of the first times she OPENED her eyes in her life so here it is!

C&C most welcome!
I can now look to get 5 & 6 done this week!

Week4 - Open by BenR167, on Flickr
Hiya Ben,

First of all congratulations to you and your partner on the arrival of your gorgeous little girl Verity (what a lovely name).

Indeed Verity has her eyes and mouth wide OPEN and looks very alert too. A lovely photo and one I am sure you will cherrish forever.

I think you have captured a perfect image, the DOF works well and a lovely skin tone too. Verity seems to be quite the poser already and I am sure you are going to have a great time capturing all the special moments.


Dawn :)
Thanks Dawn your comments are appreciated


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Thanks martin, just got to catch up with the others now.
Am I just missing hard and clutter ?

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Congratulations mate... The perfect open picture!

Lookforward to seeing your other shots!

ok, well im finally caught up after having a newborn to cope with. Here are my Week 5 & 6 entries.

Week 5 - Hard

This is my daughter doing HARD time behind bars. This was a tough one this week for me as I couldnt really think of a suitable image. But this came to me whilst she was playing up!

BrImages-10.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr

Week 6 - Clutter

This is one of my daughters bins, full of clutter (to me at least) I dare say she thinks they are brilliant. I really like the colours in this. Done a bit of post processing in Lightroom.

Project52-5.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr
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Hiya Ben,

:LOL: love your Week 5 photo, that is so precious. Doing hard time ..... it looks like your daughter is enjoying it with the smile on her face or is she demanding to be set free :D

Week 6 definitely shouts 'clutter' and I love the colours and composition. Great photo too.

Well done on catching up.

Hope Verity and mom are both doing well.


Dawn :)
Hi, Ben, that's a really nice looking flower...

It's a bit lost thought as there's a lot going on around/behind it.

Might have been an idea to get closer or try and get a shallower dof.

Hi Ben

beautiful flower for Delicate (y) The picture looks better viewed on flickr as it's bigger though .Great colors & DOF for the overall shot but as per Posiview the Delicate bit may have shown better as a closer shot ,maybe just one of the flower stems (if that makes sense) to show off the water droplets ? Still a great shot though(y)
Hiya Ben,

Well spotted for delicate and indeed it is a beautiful plant.

I agree with Lynne and Andy about getting a closer shot. Also I think it would have been better if you could have removed the stray grass/twigs behind as they break the background and lead the eye away from the subject. Although I do like the DOF. Perhaps if you had also taken it from a lower angle the water drops would be clearer :shrug:

Well done though, and agree with Lynn one can get a better view of the photo looking at the larger image on Flickr.


Dawn :)
Thanks for the comment. I totally understand where your coming from with the distractions in the background.

Ive redone the shot, this time hopefully a bit better. Let me know what you think :)

BrImages-10.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr
Hiya Ben,

Well done on the second photo, much clearer and I just love the colours. Very beautiful!



Dawn :)
Ok, Week 8 - Chaos

Getting a bit behind with this so hoping to get caught up soon.

Here's my take on chaos. Everyone knows how the smallest of roadworks can cause chaos especially in rush hour

BrImages-13.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr
Hi, sky looks a bit blown out, but I like the close crop on the cone. Might have looked better without the front LH cone??

posiview said:
Hi, sky looks a bit blown out, but I like the close crop on the cone. Might have looked better without the front LH cone??


Thanks, I purposely choose that angle so that I could bring the bright colours of the cones out against the sky.

Thanks for your comment
Thanks Blondie.
When shooting it I didn't notice the cone on the left it was only in pp that I realised.

I did at one time crop it out but I felt it took the depth away from the photo.

Thanks for stopping by
Hiya Ben,

Well done on your week 8 photo. I actually like the cone on the left, as you say it contributes to the depth. The sky is, however, a tad blown, but otherwise I think it is a great shot for the week.


Dawn :)
Hiya Ben,

Well done on your week 8 photo. I actually like the cone on the left, as you say it contributes to the depth. The sky is, however, a tad blown, but otherwise I think it is a great shot for the week.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn :)
Ok, totally caught up now Week 9 (finish) and Week 10 (Trio) below.

First of all i found getting an image for Finish really hard. I havnt seen any other members images yet (im holding back until I had posted) so i really was quite stuck.

Today I had to go into Birmingham city center for a conference at the ICC. I took the camera with me and am glad that I did.

On the way to the ICC I noticed that they were re-building the REP theatre on Broad Street. I look up and thought hey, i think its going to be a long time until they FINISH that! way hey, so I took a few snaps.

One however I took of the crane very high up, totally messed the image up as a shot it against the bright white sky so the image came out well over exposed and totally ruined. Here's the original.

BrImages-10.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr

After playing with it in lightroom, this is what I've come up with. It probably wont be to many (if any) people's taste but there's something about it that I really like!

So here is Week 9 - Finish

BrImages-10.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr

Ok onto week 10 - Trio

Dont really think this needs an explanation. My Mother always said that 3 heads are better than one!
(ok im sure its 2 heads but for the purpose of this weeks shot its 3 ok... good. lol)

BrImages-11.jpg by BenR167, on Flickr
Hiya Ben,

Well you have certainly brought to life the image of week 9 and in a strange way I actually like the pic, mainly because I like things that are different. I think if you could have perhaps brought a bit more detail back from the building it would have added to the image.

Now onto your week 10 .... I think you have captured this shot well and like the way you have got the reflection in the window (especially the gold statue in the bottom right window). The colours of the background compliment the golden statues. This is right on theme.

Well done


Dawn :)
Thanks Dawn,
Yes I agree that bringing more detail back into the building would of been a bit better. Unfortunately it was just too over exposed.

Thanks for dropping by