weekly John's 2012 52 - Week 51/52 - Time/Fun (27th Dec) Finished !

I had a couple of ideas for this, although I think at least one of them was basically the same as the first time around...

Anyway, this is not quite what I'd been aiming for, but it's fairly close, and I know I won't get time over the weekend for anything else. Sorry :D, the toys have come out again :D...

As the prisoners knelt in fear in the "Gloomy" cave, the evil witch pronounced their "Doom"


1) always check the settings. I'd last been trying something handheld in low light and still had set ISO1600. I think I got away with it.. but :bang:
2) I think I needed a little more light in the "cavern" I was aiming for a dark look and feel, but it's come out darked than I'd planned.
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Hehehehehe, what is it with you boys and your toys :LOL:

As for me, being a girlie, I prefer getting out the dressing up box ;)

Looks like this would have fit in for Float too.

I like the set up but the background seems a bit messy so the witch appears weird (What's that green thing she's standing on?)
I like that - an interesting take on the doom & gloom theme - would be interested to see a behind-the-scenes shot.
Hi John.....you do like your Lego don't you :) A different take on doom and gloom maybe gloom and doom :) or doom in gloom :)

The lighting's good, I agree with Jill about the bg though....not quite sure what I'm seeing there!

For handheld thats pretty good I reckon - looks sharp enough to me :)

And thanks for the behind the scenes 'Float' shot - good to see that side as well as the finished shot :)
I'm not going to get time to redo this, and it's nowhere near what I imagined it to be... so off to a great start with a failure... ok, I got something... but..


1) The exposure is wrong, the white paper is grey
2) The exposure is wrong, the flute has blown highlights
3) I can't write and should have typed it all
4) I should have included the snout of my one L

On the plus side... the DOF is just what I wanted, with near in focus, blurring off into the distance (It may not look like that... but it is ;))

I actually really like the concept with the DOF - the future is like that. More definate plans for the immediate future and then a sort of blurry idea of the longer term plan. I agree with your points 1&2 but like the fact it is hand written. It's definately not a total fail ;)
Another great take on the theme John, so less self critical please - that's our job :LOL:

Indeed it is - and I think it is a great shot. Proves you don't need a crazy complicated set up to make things work. Like the PP work, I am definately interested in the scene cleaner tool you speak of. Sounds very handy!

I actually thnk theme-wise this works for fear and float - but it probably suits fear better if I'm honest.
Hehehehehe, what is it with you boys and your toys :LOL:

As for me, being a girlie, I prefer getting out the dressing up box ;)

Looks like this would have fit in for Float too.

I like the set up but the background seems a bit messy so the witch appears weird (What's that green thing she's standing on?)

I agree with the above - to start with I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Once I'd worked it out I like it as a stand alone shot but It's not screaming Doom & Gloom for me. Not an easy theme though - I havn't even decided what I am doing for it yet so I can hardly comment!
Thank for the comments everyone...

Firstly an apology... I do not know what happened here, but exporting the image from aperture really messed it up... The dots through the background and around the witch. I played about with the export settings did it again, and it's how it showed on screen on the original tif.. :shrug:

This version should be better, serves me right for not checking it properly when I posted it :confused:...


I dimmed down the diagonal pattern in the background... I thought I'd done that too...

As for the green thing Jill, that's the plinth (contains the RFID tag) for the character. It can't be removed, and I didn't think to try and cover it up.

John, we have rather a large amount of Lego... the boys collect it :D... seems a shame to not use it ...

Sorry Phil, no behind the scenes shot... but... a rough description ... (if I shoot it again, thanks to going mad with the ISO, I'll get one for you.

This is on the table. There's a tin under the witch. Over the table and tin, I laid the windscreen ice/frost cover... and rolled it back over the top of them to create the cave. The sides are held up with a Spyder 2 box and a Photoshop Elements box either side. Camera with 70-200 is setup on a tripod looking in. This is two shots combined... one for the witch and one for the lego men... sort of focus stacking... again... no other way to do it... I was pretty much at the minimum focus distance of the 70-200.

Fi, Thank you... good luck on your shot.
Good idea and it does fit the theme but as already said Im not sure about the background around the evil witch. Difficult to set up so well done for getting you toys out again!!
I like!

Would like to see the setup - as I've no idea how that floating thing is floating!

Amazed too what difference that tiny bit extra space on the right makes
John - Doom and Gloom isn't the easiest of themes and I think you've conveyed the message well. All the discussion about the green thing - I thought it was the witch's frog (rather like a broomstick only froggy!) :bang: She certainly looks as though she's delivering loads of Doom and Gloom. ;)

I do love these Lego shots. I don't think we girlies would get the same results with Barbie dolls!!!

You set-up sounds like your trade mark Heath Robinson meets Boy Scout innovation - and it works beautifully.

Another good week, sir. (y)

Love the Lego UFO shot; very well executed. The doom and gloom kind of reminds me of Pal's War of the Worlds, when the thre men try to make peace with the Martians. Like the concept; I possibly migh have gone for a lower angle shot to bring the witchy thing a bit closer to the men.

How did you get your Lego men to kneel?
Thanks all.

Ken, I posted the two shots I merged together to produce the floating effect

Simon, I couldn't have done any lower, but I could have used a smaller object to stand her on. As for kneeling lego men... it's easy ;)... Take the legs off and turn them round, so the feet face backward :D.
Well... what a week... I've not had time to try and find the things I wanted to use for this shot, and there have just been way too many ideas and nowhere near enough time to put them together...

So, I'm gonna use something from a while back... no toys involved in this one :D

This is unlikely to say Communicate to anyone from the picture, but that's ok...

To Communicate, some mechanism is required to transfer the message. This is a shot of one of the Iridium satellite communication network satellites as it caught the sun. The flare itself lasts about 15 seconds, and you need to point precisely at a particular point in the sky at anything longer than wide angle. I made something to help me achieve this. I do enjoy the challenge in capturing these, and it's amazing to see the flares when this bright (about the brightness of a half moon in a pinpoint). You can understand why people think they have seen some form of UFO (and in the strictest sense of the words for them it probably was... Unidentified, Flying across the sky and an Object).

A communication satellite beaming its messages across the night sky - perfect, John! :clap::clap::clap:

I've been trying to work out what you have invented up to get such an 'impossible' shot, but I have no idea. I presume you knew where the satellite would be? Can you work out in advance if they're likely to catch the sunlight? Sorry this sounds like 20 questions, but it's fascinating.

I hope your busy life allows you time to capture some of the other ideas you've had - but this one's a real treat! (y)

John, John, John....your sky and astro shots simply delight me and I will always be in awe of them. This is no exception...bloody wonderful and so on topic!

Ok so its an older shot....no worries I know how much your life is filled up :)

The foliage works to make the shot grounded - we're looking up from down here :)

That slice of light is magnificent :)

Great image! (y)
Thanks all.

Jean, there are various tools and websites that provide predictions of when and where they are likely to occur, doesn't always work, they get moved around in orbit etc. It provides you an altitude and azimuth (compass) bearing to work on. Using some bits... wood, a protractor, bit of string etc... I made something for more accurate pointing, allowing longer focal lengths... 50mm is about right for the lead in and lead out, although I have done these at 90mm.

Looking something like...


It took me a while to line it up John... I spent nearly 10 minutes getting it framed as well as I could with the foliage...
John I love this shot :love:

You have got such patience with your astro pictures. :clap::clap::clap:

It's a great subject for the theme and Iridium flares are something we show off to visitors here as the sky is so clear and the word flare really describes what you see.

I don't care if it's not a photo taken especially for the theme - it's out of this world :D

And for Jean - we use Heavens-Above.com to find out when we are likely to see them as it is accurate almost to the second and also tells you the direction.
Thanks very much Jill. Bet they're lovely to see in those clear skies. Makes a great party trick... if you don't tell everyone about it, and then point up and say look... I've done that a few times :D..

I've been using the Heavens Above iPhone app, which works well, but check out calsky.com too. There are a number of Iridium satellites that are either test or standby, and I don't think HA lists them... Calsky does, and a double flare (they're rare but happen) is something else... they don't tend to be this bright though....
:D... Jill, what can I say ;)

Anyway... onto Week 5

I knew exactly what to do for this when I saw the theme. As John knows, I've got some building work going on... that gave me the perfect oppo for the shot... however, it was decidedly time specific... rather narrowing my options... A typical compromise between getting something like what I wanted and not wanting to either a) get in the way or b) delay them too much... so it's not quite come out how I wanted... However

The Fresh Start, is the first brick of the new build

Wow - I love your shot for Communicate. What an unique and imaginative take on the theme. I also love your ghetto "bit of string" approach to setting it up - just proves you don't need tons of fancy equipement to make it happen. The framing with the trees works very well to give it all some context too.

Freah Start - another interesting take on the theme - and quite a nice memonto of the whole 'new build' process too. I like the framining - I know it can be difficult to set up shots like this but the point of the trowel (clearly I don't know the correct term for building tools!) leads your eye down to the brick - and you can definatley tell it is a 'new' brick.
I really like the different tones you have caught in Fresh Start, fingers crossed your build goes ok :)
John - many thanks for the set up shot and the info about Iridium comms satellites. When you say they get moved around, it sounds as easy as re-arranging the baked beans on the supermarket shelf!! I'm sure it's not. :)

I'll have a look at the web sites you and Jill have mentioned - and I suppose I need t order a clear sky, too. At least down here in the New Forest light pollution isn't too bad.

It's good to see Jill's feeling better isn't it - swooning over your status name! Move over Jill, make room for the rest of us 'girls'!! :razz:

Fresh Start: If that was a compromise, it doesn't show at all. Crisp, well-composed, good colours - and definitely a Fresh Start. (y) Let's hope for 'Celebration' as a topic when the roof goes on! :D

Says Fresh Start to me and some great textures there (y)

No the wonder you are very busy at the moment. So good on you for keeping on with the 52 :clap::clap::clap:

Just as an aside, I keep looking at it sideways on - clockwise 90 degrees - any chance of posting that ?
I like your Fresh Start - having undergone much house upheaval last year it takes me back to that 'Day 1' feeling when nothing yet has gone wrong :) and its all to play for :D

I hope your build goes smoothly!

Textures and colours are lovely on this shot but....and this is my ignorance talking maybe...is that brick the right way up? :)

I always thought the denty but went uppermost (could explain some of my attempts going haywire I supose :))

Anyway despite the domestic upheaval well done on getting this one in :)
Thanks Ruth, me too :D

Wow - I love your shot for Communicate. What an unique and imaginative take on the theme. I also love your ghetto "bit of string" approach to setting it up - just proves you don't need tons of fancy equipement to make it happen. The framing with the trees works very well to give it all some context too.

Freah Start - another interesting take on the theme - and quite a nice memonto of the whole 'new build' process too. I like the framining - I know it can be difficult to set up shots like this but the point of the trowel (clearly I don't know the correct term for building tools!) leads your eye down to the brick - and you can definatley tell it is a 'new' brick.

Thanks Fi, budget doesn't allow me to much fancy shmancy stuff... but, not all of the astro work needs it ... As for the correct names for tools, if it's not a trowel, than I've got it wrong to.

John - many thanks for the set up shot and the info about Iridium comms satellites. When you say they get moved around, it sounds as easy as re-arranging the baked beans on the supermarket shelf!! I'm sure it's not.

I'll have a look at the web sites you and Jill have mentioned - and I suppose I need t order a clear sky, too. At least down here in the New Forest light pollution isn't too bad.

It's good to see Jill's feeling better isn't it - swooning over your status name! Move over Jill, make room for the rest of us 'girls'!! :razz:

Fresh Start: If that was a compromise, it doesn't show at all. Crisp, well-composed, good colours - and definitely a Fresh Start. (y) Let's hope for 'Celebration' as a topic when the roof goes on!


Thanks Jean, there's about 90 Iridium's up there, only about 60 in use (I might have the numbers a bit wrong... ) They're transpolar (run North/South) to get full coverage. LP isn't really too much of a problem for these, as the flares are quite short really, and a hit of white balance will normally solve most of it.

I guess Jill is indeed feeling better :D...

That could fit in quite nicely, although the roof going on is gonna probably be some time before the celebration... that just means it'll be weatherproof... then the slow fiddly bits start.

Says Fresh Start to me and some great textures there (y)

No the wonder you are very busy at the moment. So good on you for keeping on with the 52 :clap:

Just as an aside, I keep looking at it sideways on - clockwise 90 degrees - any chance of posting that ?

Thanks Jill... it's a bit mad, life continues at it's normal frantic pace, and this is just on top... could it be the straw ?? I hope not. I've looked at a 90 degree rotation... I have to say, I don't like it in either orientation... it looks like the brick is gonna fall off the ground... I didn't have time to export and upload them... but I will at some point just for you.

I like your Fresh Start - having undergone much house upheaval last year it takes me back to that 'Day 1' feeling when nothing yet has gone wrong :) and its all to play for

I hope your build goes smoothly!

Textures and colours are lovely on this shot but....and this is my ignorance talking maybe...is that brick the right way up?

I always thought the denty but went uppermost (could explain some of my attempts going haywire I supose :))

Anyway despite the domestic upheaval well done on getting this one in :)

Thanks John... a couple of minor issues so far... but nothing major...at least not that's gonna cost 000's to put right ... :eek:

I did some checking, you're right, the denty bit normally goes up.. but this was the very first brick and it was being used as a base support for a lintel that is also wedged into the current wall behind the brick, that's why it's this way up. The walls themselves have the denty bit upwards. The key to this image though, it had to be the very very first one put down... and that was this brick :D.

I'm stumped at the moment on Identity... I can only think about what I came up with last time around ... :help:
I've really struggled for time this last week, and have not managed to get something shot for Identity... it'll turn up, when it turns up...
:D... in which case Jean... it'll probably never happen...

However, a new idea sprang to mind last night, which involved far less setup, therefore can be done in less time... and this seemed rushed too.


"Does anyone know the Identity of this man ?"


I was deliberately trying to go for a hard silhouette... not sure the background was right, but it's the best I can get at, at present. I also wanted to use my new lens, which means it's probably tighter cropped than would be ideal, space is also a major issue at the moment.

And so... onto Simple... :bang:
John....a thoroughly wonderful shot...love the silhouette and love the bg with those oof branches.....no idea who it is but as a shot and a take on the Identity theme its a winner for me.....:D

Its one I keep returning to...the background is marvellous!
