weekly Brian's 52 Weeks 5 and 6 added!

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Along with some of the other eccentrics from the Film and Conventional forum, I'm going to do a film-only 52.

I think I'll go with the "official" themes each week, but allow myself only 3 frames to try and capture the image (so I can bracket if necessary). Since I can't use a digital "spray and pray" style I may as well go the whole hog and restrict the number of possibles to really force me to think and be careful. I've sorted out a small notebook to make a note of what frames are on what rolls and what settings were used for the challenge. No doubt it will mean that some weeks I'll be scanning a blank/overexposed/underexposed/badly developed neg! I'll do multi week batch uploads as and when I get rolls developed.

Films will be mixed and varied (certainly 35mm and 120 initially, though if I'm bored and build a pinhole camera at some point then they will also pop up), as will cameras - I've currently got ones from the 40's right up to the 00's.

As an additional challenge, I'll try to have as many of the rolls developed myself as possible, though sometimes I'll cheat and use slide film ;)

Week 1 : Direction
Week 2 : Fear
Week 3 : Sigh
Week 4 : Sweet
Week 5 : Secure
Week 6 : Industry
Week 7 : Root (On slide film, to be processed)
Week 8 :
Week 9 :
Week 10 :
Week 11 :
Week 12 :
Week 13 :
Week 14 :
Week 15 :
Week 16 :
Week 17 :
Week18 :
Week 19 :
Week 20 :
Week 21 :
Week 22 :
Week 23 :
Week 24 :
Week 25 :
Week 26 :
Week 27 :
Week 28 :
Week 29 :
Week 30 :
Week 31 :
Week 32 :
Week 33 :
Week 34 :
Week 35 :
Week 36 :
Week 37 :
Week 38 :
Week 39 :
Week 40 :
Week 41 :
Week 42 :
Week 43 :
Week 44 :
Week 45 :
Week 46 :
Week 47 :
Week 48 :
Week 49 :
Week 50 :
Week 51 :
Week 52 :
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Did the first 3 frames over lunch. Not quite what I had planned, but hopefully I got something decent.
I used to have a film SLR but in fairness I only used it like a boots disposable taking snaps but there is a part of me that wouldn't mind having a go with film again.

Look forward to seeing your work :)
ooooh...film...look forward to seeing your images Brian & welcome to the 52's party (y)
Finally got the pictures for weeks 1 - 3 developed, I'll add them now.

Week 1: Direction
Pentax SP 500, SMC Takumar 55mm f2, Neopan 400, Deved in 1+50 Rodinal
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Week 2: Fear
As week 1 - it was the same camera and setup! The grotesque was taken in Oxford
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Week 3: Sigh
The previous week my first child, James was born. Seeing him asleep in his bouncer brought that reaction to me!

Camera is a Zeiss Ikon Nettar 517/16, a medium format folding camera from the 50's. Guesstimation focussing, completely manual exposure! Film was HP5+ (iso 400) and developed in Rodinal 1+50
Wonderful! I'm almost inspired to climb into the loft and dig all the bulk loading and darkroom stuff out :)

Your first and second are belters for me although a slightly tighter crop on the gargoyle would be nice. They've both got a nice tonal range and are interesting but straightforward.
The sigh is nice too, but I'd be tempted to vignette the corners to take away the radiator.
Thanks all.

Stephen - I was tempted to do something with the radiator alright. I did take another version with a different perspective, but something about James' expression in the one posted was more interesting for me. Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated!
Every credit for doing this using film.

Direction - I find the weather vane a little too small in the picture I'm afraid

Fear - Love this. It brought a smile to my face

Sigh - I agree about vignetting to take away the busy background
Thanks delta. I agree with the vane - with my 3 shot limit and only having the 55mm that day, it was all I had to work with though! But yeah, a 135 or 200mm prime would have been a better call.
Oooo another film 52.

I like your direction shot, the gargoyle is a bit too central for me a crop would help with the rule of thirds.

As for sigh, firstly many congratulations for the birth of your son :clap::clap::clap: be prepared to take THOUSANDS of photos of him! It's a lovely shot that says both sigh and awwwww sweet:D:D

It's so difficult to capture the expression of the moment and get the background perfect, children and photos prove extreme frustration!!!
My week 4:

Braun Paxette, 45mm, f5.6, 3s ish! Kentmere 400 in Rodinal 1+50

While the topic is sweet, I'm doing a very loose interpretation. The "sweet" thing here is the camera. It's a Braun Paxette and was pretty much dead on arrival when I got it. Much faffing and cursing left it with clean lens, correct focussing, correct shutter times, good clean viewfinder and no light leaks. When I developed this roll I also put it in my home-built film dryer to avoid the dust I was getting. Seeing this scan which I reckoned was about as challenging a picture to get right come out of the scanner left me thinking "sweet!"
My week 4:

Braun Paxette, 45mm, f5.6, 3s ish! Kentmere 400 in Rodinal 1+50

While the topic is sweet, I'm doing a very loose interpretation. The "sweet" thing here is the camera. It's a Braun Paxette

Haha, thats stretching it isn't it? I think I'd do the same though.
I like the photo and I like the camera too. They have a leaf shutter don't they? Very nice.
Definitely a stretch. I did go out with the end of the roll looking for something to stress the camera and hopefully get something nice, but I have to admit it was more successful than I planned :)
Week 5: Secure

This was taken with an ME Super, Kentmere 400 and an SMC 55mm lens.

I liked the electronic keypad on such an old wall and tried a frame of it on its own, but it lacked something. This guy came along and stopped, thinking he was out of the frame. I like his positioning though - does he belong here? Is he guarding it or breaking in? :)
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Week 6: Industry

This is the way a lot of people think uk industry needs to go - high tech and bespoke. The new biochemistry building in Oxford. Old bikes outside, cutting edge science inside. Pentax ME Super, Kentmere 400, Helios 28mm

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