Recent content by filmphoto

  1. filmphoto

    10 Tips for Post Processing Portaits

    1) Set your picture style to neutral in your camera Doesn’t matter whether you shoot RAW or JPEG. Set the style to neutral so you are in control of the post processing adjustments for sharpness, saturation, etc. My standard post processing automatically includes some sharpening...
  2. filmphoto

    Useful videos for photographers

    Hi there, no worries I appreciate the comments. The content covers all sorts of themes, so some of them are just thoughts about photography in general, but most of them are pretty specific. As they are only 1 or 2 minutes long (mostly) they are pretty focused so you don't need to fast...
  3. filmphoto

    Useful videos for photographers

    Just a heads up - new youtube channel with daily, short video tutorials.
  4. filmphoto

    Photo Idea Generator

    Hey Pookeyhead - brilliant - how did they do? It would be great to see some pictures from the ideas
  5. filmphoto

    Photo Idea Generator

    You might want to look at this thread:
  6. filmphoto

    9 Photo Accessories I really think were worth the money

    9 Photo Accessories I really think were worth the money 1) Canon Selphy postcard printer The little Selphys are small dye-sub printers that print 6x4’s in less then a minute. I love them because (a) they work, (b) they can print passport photos, (c) they are great for just giving someone a...
  7. filmphoto

    Photo Idea Generator

    Thank you - I'm thinking I might use it for a 365 project = have to shoot one of the first four options each day.... That would be a challenge...
  8. filmphoto

    Photo Idea Generator

    If you're stuck for ideas - or just want a bit of fun.... I've invented a "Photo Idea Generator"! Try the P.I.G. out here: www.uLearn.Photography/PictureIdeaGenerator