Recent content by Fod

  1. Fod

    Black bubbles

    this is actually fantastic. I love the blurred background - can't quite decide whether it's bokeh or shadow!
  2. Fod

    nifty fifty

    It's a fanstastic lens, but yes it's built like a lada. The thing will fall apart if you look at it a little funny. Thankfully that wasn't really an issue for me, and the cheap build quality is actually an advantage if you need a light setup. I ended up selling it after buying a sigma 30mm 1.4...
  3. Fod

    £1 coin

    You don't turn the camera off while holding dof preview: you physically remove the lens while holding the button down. At least, that's how it's done on my 30D.
  4. Fod

    Hi from Ireland

    Howdy. I've been a member here for ages, feel like I should get back into the swing of photography. Someone give me a creative kick up the backside!
  5. Fod

    Shot in the face while taking photos !

    Gee. After reading that i can hardly breath. :nuts:
  6. Fod

    Joe's new bike .. NS@W!

    Epic :D
  7. Fod

    Favourite Twitter pages

    Stephen Fry's was always quite interesting, but I had to remove it as the signal/noise ratio was pretty high.
  8. Fod

    Old car, C&C please

    it's a little flat, especially around the front of the car and windescreen. perhaps a touch of fill flash would have added a bit of sparkle?
  9. Fod

    Taking photos in dark nightclubs. Help!!??!!

    whack the ISO up as high as it will go, shoot in raw, use noise ninja to kill the noise. failing that, you're going to have to invest in some equipment, i'm afraid. buy a flash that you can use bounce with; a 580 series flash will let you play with strobe effects which could look pretty...
  10. Fod


    new guy here; used to lurk on fredmiranda but decided to join a home community :D i'm a hobbyist, been into photography for a good few years now, but seem to be in a bit of a lull at the moment. hopefully this place'll kickstart my passion!