Genealogy sites

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I want to look into my family background, so am looking to use a genealogy site. Can anyone recommend the best ones to use.
Try Family Search first as it is (or was when I used it) free. That will give you a start and you can then decide how deep you need to research. Things like census results will cost you unless they are over 100 years old when you can often find information free. Also FreeBMD is a good site for research within their date parimeters.
I use for British based results, it's good and as time goes on generates possible links to previous generations using other peoples trees.
As it's a sporadic thing for me I wait till the special offers come up.
£10.99 a month at the moment, but it holds your data if you unsubscribe so you can return to it at a later date
I use Ancestry and have been very happy with it. They are offering £20.00 for 4 months at the moment. Not a lot of money for starters.
Ancestry (the UK site not US) is my preferred one although I've used FindMyPast and TheGenealogidst happily too. The links into other people's trees have been useful for me, but I would caution that it's all too easy to find apparent matches that fit in terms of name and approximate date, and sadly a lot of people don't use certificates and census returns and other sources to verify the relationships.
That offer is dated 2021!
I noticed that too. It’s a bit naughty of Ancestry to keep running the ad on FB when they must know that offer expired a long time ago. Surprised they haven’t been jumped on by the advertising authority.
They aren't still running it. It's just that a search for Ancestry offers on Google will bring them all up, years old or not.
They aren't still running it. It's just that a search for Ancestry offers on Google will bring them all up, years old or not.
Except it came up on my FB feed only last week. Ok probably because people are posting comments on it, but it’s still misleading.
I signed up for it last week, from the link on Facebook.