10 Stop Filter, Morecambe Bay

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Was out messing about with the 10 stop today (have a week off work). The weather has been horrendous up here all week (well for the last 6 months really). Today the weather was black intense rain clouds seperated by spots of blue sky. The clouds were coming in at a fair pace. To take these photos I had to run out in the brief dry spells then run back in as it started chucking it down. One one shot I ventured too far from the car and got a soaking when I couldnt get back in time.

This is my first post (apart from the welcome forum). So hello to all.




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welcome to the forum :)

#1 - like this, decent composition.
#2 - too much of a slope
#3 - quite nice as well, not special though
#4 - almost the best. I'd crop a bit off the top and bottom, makes it far stronger :)
Hello Ben, welcome.

What's the red bit in the last one? Is that light leaking in through the viewfinder? If so, best to tape it up for long exposures.

I like #3 but it need something extra to make it special - not sure what though, I'm afraid.

The last one has potential if you lighten it up and crop it. The cloud bank looks a bit heavy and it might help if you can get some texture into those clouds
horizons............. that is all...;)
welcome to the forum :)

#1 - like this, decent composition.
#2 - too much of a slope
#3 - quite nice as well, not special though
#4 - almost the best. I'd crop a bit off the top and bottom, makes it far stronger :)
have to agree