
Edit My Images
I got a new 450d and took some raw shots cr2 but photoshop will not look at them, I have downloaded raw 4.4 but sill on good. Can anybody help please.:wacky:
Which version of Photoshop are you running Tony? Camera Raw 4.0 and upwards in only compatible with CS3. You say you've downloaded 4.4 but have you installed it to the correct place? It should be in:

Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats


Library/Application Support/Adobe/Plug-Ins/CS3/File Formats - if you're on a mac
Yes I have cs 3 and put it in plug-ins and on windows thank you.
hmmm then it really should work. Just had a quick look on adobe's site and there is now a version 4.4.1 which specifically says it supports the 450D, although 4.4 says it does too. I'd try the newer version and see if that helps.
I did put 4.4.1 on copy & past it to the plug-ins and still on luck.
You say you've pasted it into "plugins" but have you put it in the actual folder called File Formats in the folder CS3 in the folder Plugins?

ie: Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats

If the plug in is in that location there is no reason for it not to work :shrug:
Chez moi it lives @ Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS3\Plug-Ins .
not in PS at all

That is under Vista though
From photoshop go to file / open as /click your file and then change the extension from jpg in the drop down menu to camera raw, click open


You say you've pasted it into "plugins" but have you put it in the actual folder called File Formats in the folder CS3 in the folder Plugins?

ie: Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats

If the plug in is in that location there is no reason for it not to work :shrug:

As Grendel says have you put it in

Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats

you may have put it in

Program Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CS3\File Formats
which is the wrong place

Yes got it went to the wrong place so thank you Davenjulie and everybody who helped me.