68lbs Does The 52 Thing! Week 14 - Shoot (back upto date)

I am liking this image too:)
Speed shopping gets my vote, even better no shopping.

Well done clever concept
Superb spin on the idea Lee! And very imaginative to entertain yourself whilst food shopping!

Agree with one major crit though - Where is the beer man?!?!
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Congratulations, Lee, you've just taken my favourite of the long exposure speed shot this week. The colours and symmetry make it for me.
just the right amount of blur

Great! I thought it was about right, so good that the first comment confirms it for me. :)

can't see any beer in that trolley

I'm more of a wino! :hic:

Well done clever concept

Clever take on the theme

Cheers guys, and thanks for taking time to comment.

interesting to have a nosey at your shopping!

Biscuits for the new cats, yogurts for the kids, Doritos for me! :banana:

Superb spin on the idea

Ooo, I have spinning ones too! Amazing how much fun you can have with a 5D bolted to the handle of your shopping trolley! :D

you've just taken my favourite of the long exposure speed shot this week. The colours and symmetry make it for me.

Thanks Dean, that means a lot. Thanks for commenting. :)
One of my favourite shots of the Speed week. I would have loved to of seen some of the other shoppers faces, they must have thought you was mad lol
Simply amazing Lee :clap: :clap: :clap:

10/10 for me.
My favourite shot in your 52 and definitely the best that I've seen so far for speed.
I can't quite make out if that blur was captured in camera or added in PP, but quite honestly I don't care! It works brilliantly and that's all that matters.

I just love the illusion of movement when you look at it . . . in fact I'm going back for another go . . . Wwwwwhhhheeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!
(y)(y)cracking shot, that looks about the pace i go through super markets if you can get me in one :D
Like the trolley dash shot a lot - how did you do that?

Did you have a tripod in the trolley and the British Olymic Bobsleigh team give you a push ddown the aisle???
That is amazingly quick, I am surprised you got anything in the trolley and
when you did, how did you see whats what on those shelves?

- well excuted shot Lee (y)
Great shot - love the 'first person' view of the trolley - really grabs the eye!

Cheers for the extra comments guys. I did get a few strange looks from people, and others whispering to their fellow shoppers something about "a guy with a camera". I was a little paranoid about Tesco security seeing me too and having words! Nothing though! :)

I can't quite make out if that blur was captured in camera or added in PP

Did you have a tripod in the trolley

Sarah, I can reassure you that it 100% in-camera and there is no photoshop trickery involved. :p

I used a Manfrotto Super Clamp on the trolley handle, with a brass spindle thing out of the top, which in turn had my tripod ball head screwed onto it. The camera was then just mounted on this using my 17-40, set up in aperture priority, pre focused, and fired using one of FITP's RF602 radio triggers. I then just varied the speed of the trolley and experimented going around corners, including people, avoiding people, different coloured aisles, etc.
I LOVE the speed shot. I agree it's the best week 5 shot i've seen and i'd probably go further and put it at one of my favourite shots of the project so far. Nothing more to add. I really wouldn't change this pic. (y)
Really like your street shot but agree that I'd like to see it in a sepia / antique-y (is that even a word) style, although if I read it right you actually took it as a black & white shot in camera which gives it extra points.

Absolutely love your Speed shot, I'm going to have to try that myself although I think I'll chicken out and use a compact camera on a gorillapod to try and be as unobtrusive as possible!
Great idea, and really well implemented Lee (y) My speed of shopping too
Nice to see a varied diet Lee!! Great colours overall and the detail in the trolley is spot on. Nice one.

Cheers, Rob
Thanks again for comments that I haven't individually acknowledged. The shot was 'Explored' on Flickr too, which is something of a rarity for me! :D

one of my favourite shots of the project so far

Praise indeed. Thanks muchly. :)

Really like your street shot... although if I read it right you actually took it as a black & white shot in camera

Correct, was taken as a jpeg using 'Dynamic B&W' with a little extra contrast boost in the picture style options. (y)

Was this an original idea or an homage to Cherryrig's similar idea on here a few years back?

Spooky! Though before my time so unless I stumbled across it on Flickr and it somehow embedded in my sub conscious... hmmm. I was originally going to mount the camera on my daughters bike, scooter or skateboard, but decided it might be a bit risky if she crashed!
I used a Manfrotto Super Clamp on the trolley handle, with a brass spindle thing out of the top, which in turn had my tripod ball head screwed onto it. The camera was then just mounted on this using my 17-40, set up in aperture priority, pre focused, and fired using one of FITP's RF602 radio triggers. I then just varied the speed of the trolley and experimented going around corners, including people, avoiding people, different coloured aisles, etc.

Impressive stuff, and you've got a wonderful shot from it. Glad to hear it wasn't done in PP. I imagine you did get a few strange looks though with all that kit :)

This is great Lee, your best so far for me, really creative. I've got visions of you scooting down the aisle on the back axle camera in hand. Nice one(y)....Mick
That is a cracking idea and well executed. Now I know how to brighten up the monotomy of the monthly shop:)
Could have sworn I commented on your speed shot :shrug:.

Either way - it's spot on. Lovely blur where the blur needs to be, and everything's sharp where the sharpness needs to be. Nothing wrong with it in my eyes - well done :clap:
Your 'street' shot is great, nice feel to it and very timeless.

As for week 5; thats more like it! A FANTASTIC take on the 'speed' theme.
You did a great job with this, well thought out ;)
Chopped is really good, like the DOF on this one. Shadow from the blade makes it interesting too!

Street isn't bad either. As Sarah mentioned an aged look would have really suited the shot.

Speed is wicked! Love the colours you've captured in the isles. Nicely done (y)
I absolutely love your take on 'speed'! I don't think I'd have the guts to run around tescos with my camera in one hand, and a trolley in the other though! (y) :D
I tried your Speed thing on Friday (as an homage to a great shot rather than theft ;) ) but it didn't come at all well. Do you think it'd be possible to achieve a similar effect without the clamp? Also, apart from the camera shake, I had nothing like as much "speed blur" as you achieve, despite using the same shutter speed. How fast were you running down the isles? :LOL:
How fast were you running down the aisles?

Not that fast... in fact, not fast at all. I think you would need the camera clamped to the trolley though as even then I was getting a little bit of movement in the trolley itself with some shots.

Before I go onto Week 6 (which I am a day late with), I would like to say another thankyou to anyone on here, or on Flickr, who commented on my pic and faved it. Over 800 viewings last week, 96 faves, and a personal high of #19 on Explore! I'm well chuffed! :D
I am almost too embarassed to post... but here goes...

On the plus side, I've never done a selective colour shot before. :LOL:

Shot on the GF1 with a harsh conversion on the B&W to introduce some grain. My love, on the other hand, is pure. :love:

Week 6 - Present

As every week, comments encouraged and I will do my best to comment on as many as possible too.
Just popping back into week 5 and have to say it's a unique and cracking idea which you've executed impeccably (y)

Week 6 and another corker. Although I wish people would stop posting food shots! Nice processing to make the heart stand out perfectly. God I can smell chocolate now... Beautiful vivid red and nice and sharp and detailed. Yummy Great shot :clap:
Sorry Lee but I couldn't stop laughing when I saw your title, I've just posted mine up with the addition of "and its pants" to me title.Yours was the first I've looked at.I think you feel pretty similar to me. Onwards and upwards:LOL:....Mick
I missed your speed shot.. glad I went back to look, its fantastic!.. well done on explore!

and nowt wrong with present either IMO.. nicely done and delicious looking choccies ;)