70-200 lens zoo shots with f stop questions?

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I got the tamron 70-200 f2.8 new g2 lens for a project i am doing at my local zoo.But a bit puzzled with the f stops.
I usually shoot wildlife with my nikon 200-500 and usually go for the widest aperture 4.5 -f8 depending on what light and speeds i need. But i thought zoos have dark enclosures and struggle for light with pushing the iso too high. I need a smaller lens and went for the f2.8. But it has puzzled me i know this lens will give me better depth of field but will my images be soft at the edges at 2.8 or will i need to take it up to f8 to sharpness in that case why did i buy the lens?
I went out for a bit of practise and when i filled the frame with a subject at f2.8 it seemed a bit soft my speeds were fine so no motion blur,but when closed down to f8 it seemed better some how. So really it boils down to at f2.8 will i get a sharp overall picture or will i have to zoom out a bit then crop in later to get a better result. I'm shooting on a d500 body by the way
I don'y have the lens but think you would get a better response if you request this be moved to 'Talk Equipment' rather than 'Photos'. :)
When I first went to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park I noticed my Sigma 70-200 2.8 a little soft in the corners even stopped down a little, I'd only used it for motorsport and portrait stuff before so edge sharpness was never a factor. I sold it on and replaced it with a Nikon 70-200 f/4 which is very sharp to the corners.

I found shooting a brick wall is the best way to test sharpness in the corners, if you bought it new you should be able to get it replaced if it's that bad.