A couple from Whipsnade today (27/01)

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Popped up to Whipsnade for a wander round today, very cold and blowy but managed to get a few decent shots and to put my new 100-400L through its paces.

Here are a couple of quick edits... Enjoy :D




Lovely shots, especially the panda.
The new Tiger was trying to eat anyone that went up to the glass windows when I was up there on Friday.

Your clickpic website is like mine btw, expired.
Excellent really like the cheetahs looks like they were keeping warm :)
Nice sets of photos.
Love the 1st Tiger, Tony, is the the new one?

Glad to see the Cheetahs are in their favourite spot too :)
Love the 1st Tiger, Tony, is the the new one?

Glad to see the Cheetahs are in their favourite spot too :)

Yes thats the new male tiger. According to the keepers they will be kept apart for another month before putting them together. Hopefully they will then be able to breed, he's pretty young apparently (but rather large!!)

I did spot your re-arranged meet at the weekend but wont be able to make it this year (having crashed last years without realizing it was going on!) as my car has just gone away for some restoration work...
He was hiding when I was up there the week-end unfortunately but baby Tigers would be great, if they do manage to breed them (y)

Sorry you can't make the meet BTW