A different legal thread...

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I've had an idea for a location shoot. Many of you will be aware of the hobby 'Cosplay'. Traditionally focussed around Anime, it's taken off into the realms of videaogames, with groups of cosplayers interested in Halo, Half-Life, and of more interest to me, S.T.A.L.K.E.R:confused:hadow of Chernobyl. My question is if you're shooting in a public place what are the rules regarding replica firearms. I used to be read up on the laws as I used to play a bit of airsoft, but that was a few years ago (I still miss my H&K G36 and my Glock 26 :LOL:)

It's a killer idea for a shoot in my eyes, and I've got the surroundings here to pull it off, but I don't want to end up with some armed response dude pointing his MP5 in my face!
I suspect if you inform Snr Plod before the event
a) you'll find out if it's possible
b) you'll prevent "surprises" of the bread & water persuasion
Don't, no really don't! Running around in a public place with any kind of firearm replica or otherwise is lightly to get you killed!
I'd contact the police before doing anything and asking what formalities are needed for filming.
I'd assumed a phone call would be in order. I've seen a lot of shots with weapons/firearms of some description and wondered how they go about it. May be time to make a call then. I'm not running around looking for theatrical hire firms to rent weapons from if it's not legal anyway! :LOL:
Part of a martial arts group I used to be active with moved to the park one day for training as the weather was quite nice.

We realised that the rubber knives we were about to stab each other with looked rather realistic and went and found a policeman who talked to someone at the end of the radio and gave use the all clear.

I'm sure as long you tell the police and don't threaten any members of the public (as that would be armed assault!)
...........It's a killer idea for a shoot in my eyes, and I've got the surroundings here to pull it off, but I don't want to end up with some armed response dude pointing his MP5 in my face!

When I'm "culling" feral pigeons in a place the that public might stray into
I always give the plod a quick call, ( 24 hrs notice is required) they issue me with a URN
( unique reference number) and "log it" themselves
I have never had any problems even though Joe public has been in evidence
on occasion.

I don't see that you should have any problems as long as you let them
know "what" you are doing (y)
To have any type of firearm in a public place it needs to be secured in a manner which means it cant be used ie a solid or padded case. You require a justifiable reason to posess said firearm in a public place ie going to/from a shooting range or to a rifle shop. No firearm can be fired on public property without express permission that you would probably sturggle to obtain. Nor, crucially, can bullets, pellets, BB's or any other ammunition stray onto public or private property for which you do not have permission to shoot on.
I would actually pop in and have a chat at the Police Station rather than phoning, explain, when and where the shoot will take place and they may even have a beat bobby pop down to watch and maybe re-assure the public ?
I was very nearly arrested for having a toy gun and in the future would either A) do it in somewhere that is clearly empty, be it a field or a building
B) if I were to be doing it in a public place, I'd call the police.

It is likely you'd be given a police escort, but you'd have to wait a bloody long time, since the police (i say this lightly) have far better things to do than follow a hobbyist around because they want to 'play with guns' (like sit at the side of the road catching all those naughty motorists that travel at 35 in a 30).

Now, while it would be cool to re-enact scenes from Stalker for your camera, it would be massive hassle.
I was very nearly arrested for having a toy gun and in the future would either A) do it in somewhere that is clearly empty, be it a field or a building
B) if I were to be doing it in a public place, I'd call the police.

It is likely you'd be given a police escort, but you'd have to wait a bloody long time, since the police (i say this lightly) have far better things to do than follow a hobbyist around because they want to 'play with guns' (like sit at the side of the road catching all those naughty motorists that travel at 35 in a 30).

Now, while it would be cool to re-enact scenes from Stalker for your camera, it would be massive hassle.
Just to clarify guys I'm not on about wandering into Bournemouth town centre with a model carrying a LAW anti armour weapon :LOL: I'm talking about woods and moorland, not toally deserted, but certainly not crammed with people.

Triggerhappy, I'm well aware of laws governing carriage of firearms and ammunition, and I certainly won't be firing them! I can't do it anywhere near me either, I live in the middle of a military training area. I think that PC Plod will be the last of my worries, more likely it'd be some of my camps armed guard lmao!

FP, my idea's pretty cool. You notic in S.T.A.L.K.E.R there's a distinct lack of women? I've got me a female model who wants to do something a bit different, so we'll see how it turns out. And it's got to be worth the hassle. I came accross a site of a group of stalker cosplayers who actually went and re-enacted it in the Zone.

Another thought occurs. A hire studio I use a fair bit has a great deal of land (and derelict buildings) that's private, and I believe, fenced off, so that may the way to go.
Triggerhappy, I'm well aware of laws governing carriage of firearms and ammunition, and I certainly won't be firing them! I can't do it anywhere near me either, I live in the middle of a military training area. I think that PC Plod will be the last of my worries, more likely it'd be some of my camps armed guard lmao!

My bad, misunderstanding...the armed guard could make good models though :D
Why dont you join the army , then you can run around all day long with a gun .. no questions asked !!
Hi there, i'm an airsofter myself.
Why not talk to a local woodland airsoft field and ask them if you can use thier space on a non game day. That way you are on a site that hold's PLI that that specific purpose and you are less likely to run into general members of the public.

Airsofters take it pretty serious so will be in all the proper kit and looking the part. I tried it once myself but i won't put any pics up as they aren't all that. On the other hand though i do know a guy that is a lot more tallented than me and his airsoft photography is the dogs danglies imo.
I believe new(ish) laws mean airsoft and replica weapons are to be non-realisticly coloured on a certain percentage, so say the housing has to be bright orange...not the effect I'm looking for! lmao
That relates to someone without a license bying one new iirc. It is still fine to own one that is 100% realistic with no painted barrels or what not.

But getting it out in public can get you in a whole load of trouble.
I believe new(ish) laws mean airsoft and replica weapons are to be non-realisticly coloured on a certain percentage, so say the housing has to be bright orange...not the effect I'm looking for! lmao

Cap guns are brilliant mate, you can easily take them apart and remove anything that makes the gun look non-realistic.

Mine was confiscated by the police :( otherwise I'd have shown you :D
I would actually pop in and have a chat at the Police Station rather than phoning, explain, when and where the shoot will take place and they may even have a beat bobby pop down to watch and maybe re-assure the public ?

I'd want it in writing that I'd been to visit the police station and what I had been advised I could and couldn't do - from personal experience I know only too well that Police will admit to knowing about or having okayed sod all unless you have written evidence.

Even then I'm sure they'd either not have a clue what to do or there will be some sort of licence required that involves 45 pages of forms to be filled in...
I'd want it in writing that I'd been to visit the police station and what I had been advised I could and couldn't do - from personal experience I know only too well that Police will admit to knowing about or having okayed sod all unless you have written evidence.

Even then I'm sure they'd either not have a clue what to do or there will be some sort of licence required that involves 45 pages of forms to be filled in...

As per my post (#6) get a URN number then there are no arguments
should things start to get a little hairy (y)