A photographic tour of the Leica factory

I'd love to see a closeup shot of the camera family tree, I wonder what is missing from the bottom rung.

The cameras are beautiful... I also read through some of the comments and one in particular stood out about the camera having lost it's heritage and become more of a pretty albeit expensive piece of jewelery. I have no experience of using a camera made by the company, but is that the general consensus?
I'd love to see a closeup shot of the camera family tree, I wonder what is missing from the bottom rung.

The cameras are beautiful... I also read through some of the comments and one in particular stood out about the camera having lost it's heritage and become more of a pretty albeit expensive piece of jewelery. I have no experience of using a camera made by the company, but is that the general consensus?

I read that too somewhere else, in where it was said that certain people(with probably more money than sense) are into buying things like Leica's and then having them on display in a cabinet or shelf gathering dust rather than being used!!

Shame isn't it?
