A series of photos from Afghanistan

Whoa !!

The impact a photograph can have never ceases to amaze me.

Gotta mail my mate now and let him know my family and I are thinking of him.
Thanks for the link. Some stunning images in that set. As well as the deep respect I have for the military out there doing a tough job, it's also hats off to the agency photographers who are in the thick of it.
Incredible!! Brilliant photography with some very moving images. Felt the tears swell up a couple of times.

Sometimes it's easy to forget what's going on over there - thank you so much for reminding me what the hell these guys live in is like.
The 'Handout' MoD image of the female police recruit shooting a 9mm SiG-Sauer was taken by one of our phots - Corporal John Bevan, RLC...
Good old AFP/Getty never credit us, despite being told to on numerous occasions - they also strip the file info on the images - so guess which agency won't be getting any of my images this time round...
Very impressed with those pictures. They sure convey a strong message.
These photos really hit home what these guys are going through. I sort of ignore the news on TV. Stunning photos and as said the power of a photo.
Stunning shots there,
Very heartbreaking :crying:

The five pictures, no. 13, no. 15, no. 28, no. 29, and no. 37 ... these are kids ... too young to even start to comprehend what the whole ordeal was about. Kids who will grow-up with the trauma and scars of this war (as with any other war).

If only there was another way to resolve all this.
Excellent set of images :clap: It really does drive home what's going on out there and leaves my thoughts with mates who are on or are about to go on tours
The guy that took #19 is a regular on a car forum that I use, you can follow his blog here: http://www.throughwoodyslens.blogspot.com/

I'm sure he won't mind me sharing, there really are some amazing photos being taken out there.
Very powerful images that show some reality of whats going on there. Seeing the locals trying to live their lives inspite of the war is touching in the extreme. Its hard to contemplate what these men are going through daily, we can only admire them from afar. These still images convery far more than a TV news report in my opinion. Thank you for the link.
Amazing images, like it's been said, makes you appreciate how lucky we are!

Did anyone look at the other photos celebrating China's 60th anniversary, any country who picks a fight with them must be mad!! :eek:

Have some friends in both the military and police sides who have done tours in Iraq, Afghanistan etc. I have seen some of their pictures, amazing stuff and lots of graphic images from car bombs etc. I lived and worked in the middle east so can relate to the way of life and mentality, saw some incrediable things, death and weird stuff, but thankfully never experienced the carnage and horror of bombs.
these photographs are very powerful and moving indeed! thankyou very much for sharing them.
Who needs words..........?
Just been back for a 2nd look at these amazing pics.
It's a shocking country.
Such powerful and emotional images. Afghanistan has been through so much. I agree with Wail that the emotional scarring the children on both sides will have and this is going to start the whole cycle of war again.
Some amazing photos here. Truly amazing. Support your troops. Giving a little, means alot. God bless.