A smaller UK and what you want from it as a member of it

I don't know how you do it. I've tried to get up earlier when the clocks change but it doesn't work lol. Tbh working with water in the middle of winter its not worth getting up too early cosd its frozen lol
I don't know how you do it. I've tried to get up earlier when the clocks change but it doesn't work lol.
You get into a routine.
I don't do it so much these days, but it was only a couple of years ago that I covered the whole country,
And I'd start anywhere between 3am - 7am, 12 months of the year.

Tbh working with water in the middle of winter its not worth getting up too early cosd its frozen lol
Yeah but it's easier to handle frozen water that in its liquid form I'd have thought :D
If the clocks stayed on BST those that start early, would be starting in the dark, so would have to
work an hour later, conversely, could you not start an hour earlier? if we went to GMT?

I'm sure there is quite an easy work around for either scenario TBH.

Oh dear I have to agree with you on this, there are only so many hours of daylight, so it makes little or no difference what the time is :)

I don't know how you do it. I've tried to get up earlier when the clocks change but it doesn't work lol. Tbh working with water in the middle of winter its not worth getting up too early cosd its frozen lol

Time is on;y a number, if water is frozen and 8am and you put the clocks back it will still be frozen at 7am :thinking:
You get into a routine.
I don't do it so much these days, but it was only a couple of years ago that I covered the whole country,
And I'd start anywhere between 3am - 7am, 12 months of the year.

Yeah but it's easier to handle frozen water that in its liquid form I'd have thought :D

Not even you're using it to valet cars ;) I remember about 4 years ago I wet vacced a seat for a customer. I put the hot water on the seat and by the time I'd scrubbed it it had frozen the the seat before I could VAC it out. The heater on the car was rubbish so that didn't help lol. I don't wet VAC in the very cold now. I also had a car were I had to thaw out the pressure washer with my heat gun, rinsed the wheels cleaned one wheel and went to rinse it off and the washer had frozen again. I have a rule now. There is usually waster in the bottom of my onboard water tank. It its solid I cancel work otherwise washing cars when its that cold is like banging your head on a wall.

So to sum up I suppose when its really cold GMT is a good thing ;)
Oh dear I have to agree with you on this, there are only so many hours of daylight, so it makes little or no difference what the time is :)

Time is on;y a number, if water is frozen and 8am and you put the clocks back it will still be frozen at 7am :thinking:

Yes but is thawed sooner from the start time off the job. Prehapos I could give it a go this year, especially if its not frozen.

Sorry to the op for going off thread.
Not even you're using it to valet cars ;) I remember about 4 years ago I wet vacced a seat for a customer. I put the hot water on the seat and by the time I'd scrubbed it it had frozen the the seat before I could VAC it out. The heater on the car was rubbish so that didn't help lol. I don't wet VAC in the very cold now. I also had a car were I had to thaw out the pressure washer with my heat gun, rinsed the wheels cleaned one wheel and went to rinse it off and the washer had frozen again. I have a rule now. There is usually waster in the bottom of my onboard water tank. It its solid I cancel work otherwise washing cars when its that cold is like banging your head on a wall.

So to sum up I suppose when its really cold GMT is a good thing ;)
LOL, sounds like fun :D
However, my car doesn't get washed when its like that either, I can tell you :D
Hey if everyone get to go at it alone, I would suggest the greater metropolitan area goes alone at it as well.

Instant equalisation across the regions, and no need for Scotland to leave their hated brothers.

Problem solved.
What have I done starting this thread there was me thinking we would have a sensible debate could be worse I suppose I could be involved in a debate with Alastair Darling and Alex Salmond
What have I done starting this thread there was me thinking we would have a sensible debate could be worse I suppose I could be involved in a debate with Alastair Darling and Alex Salmond

Sensible? On this forum? Now that's the daftest thing written in the whole thread ;)
A yes vote won't make a blind bit of difference to my life or anyone else's really. I'll still have a job. The football will still be on. Travelling by train will still be offensively expensive.

The one thing I am looking forward to is that we will finally be free of the 'and finally' reporting of Scottish football on the sports news. Scotland, I love you but honestly, nobody cares about St Johnstone :)

Jesting aside I hope you realise that Hadrians wall is just North of Newcastle :)

Just to be safe, I say build it through Watford Gap services on the M1 (Jn 16ish/17ish, not Watford London)

On a serious note, my personal thoughts are will be close, most of the Jocks I work with (we have a regional centre in glasgow) as well as a few token Scots in Norwich, are saying "no." I am no econominist however I cannot see how it can survive on it's own, but if it does, all Scottish MP's have no say in how England is run and get a new currency.

Jesting aside I hope you realise that Hadrians wall is just North of Newcastle :)

we are going to claim the border is on the antonine wall !
A yes vote won't make a blind bit of difference to my life or anyone else's really. I'll still have a job. The football will still be on. Travelling by train will still be offensively expensive.

The one thing I am looking forward to is that we will finally be free of the 'and finally' reporting of Scottish football on the sports news. Scotland, I love you but honestly, nobody cares about St Johnstone :)

Except a few thousand misguided St Johnstone fans.
Thanks for the warning, we'll get started shifting it south then :p
I've already suggested we put them both back, as a belt and braces solution. :D
Never mind an independent Scotland, how about an independent UK? Aren't we just the 51st US state? Brit PMs just seem to follow American presidents like little poodles
I'd like the Royal Navy work to come south of the border :) (The carriers can't as its too far on but the OSP ships work can...)
Oh and along with the tonkers/typhoons and other toys we have up there... tho not the subs, not yet anyway... not till we build a base....

No share of the debt, no toys to play with!
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Never mind an independent Scotland, how about an independent UK? Aren't we just the 51st US state? Brit PMs just seem to follow American presidents like little poodles

no its a plan so cunning it should be a weasel on our part - we plan to dupe the americans into deploying their entire millitary overseas, and then strike like a blitzkreig from the canadian border towards washington before revoking the declaration of independence and installing a pupper government sympathic to our needs - thus restoring the glory of the empire ( Australia is next) - soon the scots will be begging to be allowed to return to the glorius british empire which will once again span half the globe Bwahahahaha (strokes glosssy white cat)
I don't understand way there is so much discussion over British summer time, double summer time, etc. It's only a number. If you want to get up earlier or later, just do it.

let's just get rid of London.

Now that is a good idea!

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It does seem the way things are going it will be worse for the rest of the UK if Scotland stays, what with all the promises being made to them. Who do you think is going to be paying for it? I wonder how high prescription charges are to pay for the Scots and the same with tuition fees. Not only that but I've seen Doomsday. That film sums it all right up lol
It does seem the way things are going it will be worse for the rest of the UK if Scotland stays, what with all the promises being made to them. Who do you think is going to be paying for it? I wonder how high prescription charges are to pay for the Scots and the same with tuition fees. Not only that but I've seen Doomsday. That film sums it all right up lol

If I was in England Id be praying for the whining scots to leave and with it their nasty chippy left wing whining politics with them. England could then enjoy a sensible UKIP/Tory alliance. No more labour, no more lib dems.
I'm not sure 'enjoy' is the right word - english politics will change after a yes vote though, you'd probably see some new parties and a general shake up of the political landscape.
I'm not sure 'enjoy' is the right word - english politics will change after a yes vote though, you'd probably see some new parties and a general shake up of the political landscape.

and that would be such a bad thing ?
Political parties will never really change though, just use different names, it will still be the same old thing
And UKIP will still amount to nothing in the grand scheme.
England could then enjoy a sensible UKIP/Tory alliance. No more labour, no more lib dems.

It would be better if UKIP and the conservatives disappeared and then we could have a liberal/labour alliance.

It would be better if UKIP and the conservatives disappeared and then we could have a liberal/labour alliance.

And prepare for the next financial crisis? No thank you. That lot just can't be trusted with their hands on the purse strings. Something that has been proven over and over again.
The only thing which has been proven is that the last people you want to have as politicians are the people who want to be politicians!

I don't recall it being particularly good under any regime.

The only thing which has been proven is that the last people you want to have as politicians are the people who want to be politicians!I don't recall it being particularly good under any regime.
I think we should meet them at Bannockburn for a rematch ... winner takes all.
It would be better if UKIP and the conservatives disappeared and then we could have a liberal/labour alliance.


I suspect if labour don't win outright next year you will probably get your wish ;).
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And prepare for the next financial crisis? No thank you. That lot just can't be trusted with their hands on the purse strings. Something that has been proven over and over again.

Yes...please feel free to give us an example of a politician who can be trusted :LOL:
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Well I wasn't talking generally. I was talking about trusted to spend money we actually have or can afford to spend. It is easy to be popular when spending lots of our hard earned money. Much harder to be popular when you don't and have to be tough to clear up the financial mess from the previous lot before you can actually start enacting on decent policies that take us forward.

However as you could have seen from my original constructive response I strongly support a much smaller government to do that. Not only that, increased taxation of "the rich" is no way out. Overall receipts through contributors need to be increased. More employers to be encouraged to be based in the UK though supportive tax breaks both on profits and employment. Increased contribution based support for the short term unemployed etc
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Not only that, increased taxation of "the rich" is no way out. Overall receipts through contributors need to be increased. More employers to be encouraged to be based in the UK though supportive tax breaks both on profits and employment.

It amazes me how many people can't, or don't want to, see that.

And I lean decidedly leftwards.
Yes...please feel free to give us an example of a politician who can be trusted :LOL:
I have more chance of convincing the Pope that Darwin was correct, than finding one of those ;)

But of course they would never steal (sorry embellish their expense forms) from their employers (us) on a grand scale would they? ;)
I was talking about trusted to spend money we actually have or can afford to spend.

We would be completely stuffed (even more so than now) if governments could only spend money we actually had. I think every government I have known has borrowed money.

I would like to know who countries borrow money from though!
