weekly Adamcski 52 for 2022 Week 52 (new to photography) 2022 52 complete

So I had an idea (and wanted to play macro) of getting one of the kids raspberry pi little computer chips and taking a photo of the main board (notice the lack of technical language - I have limited I.T knowledge). Obviously, no idea where the kids have put them (neither do they) so I smashed an old house alarm sensor and took a few macro shots with my G9 and the 30mm 2.8 macro and then a couple with the L mount 24-105 F4 which has a 0.5 macro (I believe).

So my idea for Electrical this week is....

G9 + 30mm

S1 + 24-105

Set up was, plain white foam board as the base and my £10 Asda special ring light plugged into my laptop. Shots were handheld as in typical (new guy) fashion, my tripod head wont point that far down.

Not sure which I prefer the most but I like the various colour elements, green and yellow, little purple thingy and blue bit (I know my knowledge of these is terrible) but red thingy and blue thingy means something to me :ROFLMAO:

I may run with this idea but try some focus stacking with the chip if I can somehow set the cameras up correctly on the tripod
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Wow - I have been playing around this morning with the focus stacking on the G9 (uses a 6K photo to auto scan the image and then stacks them internally) and also taking multiple shots on the S1 and stacking them in Affinity. I will post the images just as soon as Flickr starts working again.
Sorry what is the PCB shot?

Now flickr is working here is the focus stacking from the G9:

Tighter crop to remove the white at the top

and the S1:

I had to alter the angel of the shot when I used the tripod so that is why they look different and the ambient light has not been as bright today.

So, I am going to go with the G9 cropped stacked one as I think it is a cleaner image and is more macro than the S1 image.

So this weeks task has been very useful in terms of my development as I have learned how to use focus stacking in camera and on my Affinity software. They may not be the absolute best but I think they are pretty good for some first attempts with the equipment at hand.
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The blue and purple thingies are capacitors, with the purple an electrolytic variety so it's polarity conscious. The silver long tube to the left is a crystal oscillator which is normally used in conjunction with smaller capacitors to generate the clock signal that runs the processor on the chip. The focus stacking from the G9 looks super sharp, I'm using an aging G5 and jealous of the features and processing power in the newer models.
Good shots Adam
Looking up: I'm liking the last shot of the offset ferris wheel
Electric: definitely fill the bill, good shots
So week 39 is to Depict a song.

I wanted to continue with the macro and focus stacking learning so here is my submission (lighting is crummy at the moment as it is so dull / grey outside). Watch is actually hard to photograph as it has a polished finish, so ANY light catches and creates a little glare.

The song you can figure out because @Cobra set us a new weekly challenge this time.......

"Automatic", by the Pointer Sisters?

From the lyrics :- "Your camera looks through me".


Good job with the reflections. I recently tried something similar, and it took hours.
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One thing I wish I could have altered was the watch cushion but the watch is a little larger than the cushion it came with, so it's missing on the left hand side of the image. I will use this image now to try and learn how to replace backgrounds and such in Affinity (slowly).
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"Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day..."

Nice shot!
Week 40 looking down.

I was at a car show at Kedleston Hall, so had a wonder around the national trust site also.

I was going to upload some engine shots (looking down at Ferrari engines and such) but having taken this, it just so happens that the couple in the picture were looking down at the gravestones in the ground. So, I went with it as it is less staged and just a luck of the moment shot.

Sorry I am week behind on these as I have been away for a week with work and had some bad news regarding immediate family and health.

Week 41 was rustic and my submission is the following. Quiet happy with this one as I ventured into full manual mode to try and get some blur in the water. Slightly out of sync timewise for the challenge but life came calling and what can you do. It was taken the weekend before at a car show.

P1007975 by Adam CSki, on Flickr
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Nice shot Adam - sorry to hear that you have some family/health troubles. I hope all will be ok.