Aldi SLR camera bag

Just picked one up. Thanks for the heads up.

Just the job have played around with the padding on mine got my 50d with 18-270 lens on & 70-300 in beside on the one side and my filters the other. polorize lens ,filter holder in the top pocket then spare battery & cards in front pocket and still room for my purse and car keys. Its rain cover is good covers the whole bag with eyletts for the front fastener.

It will get a good test run tomorrow when Im outwith the Shire horses.

Thanks for the recommendation Id walked past them earlir in the week.
Picked up mine today, there are defiantly at least 3 different sizes for the same price.

Not had a chance to look at it properly yet but the 2 minutes that I looked at it in the shop it looked ideal for days out.

The girlfriend will be pleased the d90's no longer in her handbag
I reckon Aldi should be giving me a backhander :)
The next size down (the one with the funny stencil pattern on the front) is bigger than it looks, a comfy fit bit it managed to take an RB67 with back and 90mm. Room for my pocket lightmeter and a couple of rolls as well. Whilst it's not most people's idea of a walkabout camera, it's a pretty good walkabout bag for it.

The shoulder straps on both of the decent sized bags seem pretty well padded, certainly more comfortable than a manufacturers camera strap.
Would I get a 50d , 24-105, and a nissin flash in any of them.

550d with 70-300 goes in with bags of space, dont think a 50d is that much bigger. Not sure how big your flash is but there is plenty of spare space and the dividers are adjustable.
Lesley has got a 50d in, about 5 posts above this :)
Hmmm. If I had an aldi camera, I might buy an aldi bag for it.
Stratman said:
Is there a backpack version, he asked hopefully.

Have a look at the amazon basics DSLR rucksack. Its around £25 and pretty good (well ... I think so!)
I'm a great fan of buy once, buy right. Having just used this idiom when buying my camera, I now have to comprimise with the bag! My wife just picked one of these up for me and it will have to do until I can afford the bigger and better bags. Having only got the kit lens I may also be able to fit my coat in there!!!!
I'm a great fan of buy once, buy right. Having just used this idiom when buying my camera, I now have to comprimise with the bag! My wife just picked one of these up for me and it will have to do until I can afford the bigger and better bags. Having only got the kit lens I may also be able to fit my coat in there!!!!

One bag is never enough.. every bag is a compromise of one sort or another.
Buying a new bag is asking for trouble...because you know within a matter of a few months you'll end up buying more lenses somehow! I'm hoping the Amazon basics one will tide me over and act as an indoor storage bag, as the aldi one was too compact for me.
I really like this as a walkabout camera bag. all my gear now lives in a lowepro slingshot 302aw but its just far to big to clunk about with me on days out. where as this will be perfect.

Managed to get my D90 with Tamron 28-75 and Nikon 50mm f1.8 in no problem with plent of room left for other things.
Pretty much what I had planned for it. Like someone said earlier...for that price, you don't mind if it lives in the cupboard most of the time
lol, saw that- guess some just need a "name" :)
That looks quite nice.

I bought one last year and it's mostly been a good one although the stitching on the sliding padded bit on the strap has all come loose despite my usual careful handling. Can't really complain at the price though and the sliding padded thing isn't essential.