Amy .. wonderful amy ..

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Amy .. wonderful P*SS*D amy ..

:beer: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :puke:


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Jings crivvens! such a waste of a life.
The people who let her perform in that state are more of a disgrace! She's a shocking mess, someone should be at least trying to look out for her.
deffo, my brother took my dad to see George Benson for his birthday and he was *****faced when he came on stage....half the crowd left by the second song.

It is surely up to artists management to make sure they behave themselves before gigs?
looks like a normal performance to me,

what's the news again? Amy winehouse is on drugs?

In other news the earth is round :LOL:
such a shame! :shake:

I really like her music too why would anyone let her perform in that state :bonk:
I've seen better acts get canned of the stage.

Aside from the fact that she can sing, and has a beautiful voice, it is a real shame that her life is in such a mess and she can't get her head straight.
Evidently many have tried to help without success.

That last comment is, in my humble opinion, downright offensive :thumbsdown:
In other news the earth is round :LOL:

yeah right...


Amy Winehouse is not my cup of tea but she is an excellent singer/songwriter.. you can write a long list of tortured talent in the music industry... Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley, Andrew Wood, Chet Baker, Karen Carpenter etc etc etc... list could go on forever..

I always think its the problem they have with fame, money, drugs, whatever their vice is what make them as great as they are, its a Mint card clever dumb balance.